Friday, October 31, 2008

Illegal, Questionable, and Absurd U.S./British Government Policies Links

Illegal, Questionable, and Absurd U.S./British Government Policies Links

Biochemical Weapons Testing and Vaccines

Extraordinary Rendition

Government Databases and Data Mining

Government Secrecy

ID Cards

Imprisonment Without Charges and Subsequent Torture

Laptop Searches

Online Surveillance and Use in War

Presidential Power

Responding to Terrorism

Spying on Activist Groups and Dealing with Protesters

Thoughtcrime in America?

The 2001 Anthrax Attacks Case

The Military Commissions Act

The Patriot Act

The Pentagon and Trying to Recruit Students

The Sibel Edmonds Case

The Valerie Plame Case

Treatment of Prisoners

U.K. Security Policies

Warrantless Wiretapping

Warrantless Wiretapping and Immunizing Telecommunications Companies


1 comment:

the OB Rag said...

Truly incredible list.