Iraq Links
Al-Qaida in Iraq and the Late Blood-Spiller Zarqawi
- Abu Musab al-Zarqawi
- Al-Qaida's Fragile Foothold
- At war with Iraqi law
- Bush plays al-Qaida card to bolster support for Iraq policy
- From Spain to Indonesia
- If U.S. Leaves, Al-Qaeda Will Not Inherit Iraq
- Military Played Up Role of Zarqawi
- The 'Elimination' of Zarqawi: A New Episode of the Media War
- The Death of Zarqawi
- The Myth of an Al-Qaida Takeover of Iraq
- The Only People Who May Miss Al-Zarqawi Are the Pro-War Neocons
- The Strange Death of Zarqawi
- Zarqawi: The Man and the Myth
- Zarqawi’s Death Is Likely a Plus for the Iraqi Insurgency
Depleted Uranium
- Depleted uranium risk 'ignored'
- Guardsman wins landmark Gulf War Syndrome ruling
- Gulf War syndrome still haunting U.S. troops
- Iraq: Cancer emerges as major cause of death in south
- One in four Gulf War veterans still has serious illness, panel hears
- Radioactive Wounds of War
- Study: Depleted uranium could damage DNA
- The Evil Men Do
- U.S. army made video warning about dangers of depleted uranium but never showed it to troops
- War Vets Take Fight Against Government Over Depleted Uranium Exposure to Court
Fighting the Iraqi Insurgents, and Determining Who They Are
- 'The Salvador Option': The Pentagon May Put Special-Forces-led Assassination or Kidnapping Teams in Iraq
- A New Strategy is Beginning in Iraq
- A War That Cannot Be Won
- America's Medicated Army
- Among Insurgents in Iraq, Few Foreigners Are Found
- Behind the Surge in Iraqi Women Suicide Bombers
- Bringing Northern Ireland to Baghdad: How the Resistance Will Eventually Kick the Americans Out
- Could Iris Scans Stop a New Insurgency?
- Die and Win
- Informants Decide Fate of Iraqi Detainees
- Iraq's Arab foreign fighters: few but deadly
- Iraq's Jordanian Jihadis
- Iraq Isn't the Philippines
- Israel trains U.S. assassination squads in Iraq
- Misreading the Enemy
- Nine paradoxes of a lost war
- No, Iraq Is Not Vietnam
- Papers Paint New Portrait of Iraq's Foreign Insurgents
- Pushed Out of Baghdad, Insurgents Move North
- Questionable Assumptions
- Sarai State of Affairs
- Siniyah: an Iraqi town that is now a prison
- Special Forces May Train Assassins, Kidnappers in Iraq
- Terrorism vs. Insurgency
- Testimony in Court-Martial Describes a Sniper Squad Pressed to Raise Body Count
- The Enemy Within: Finding American Backs to Stab
- The final battle
- The Insurgency: Neighbourhood Watch
- The New Iraq War Strategy
- The Next Phase
- Tough New Tactics by U.S. Tighten Grip on Iraq Towns
- U.S. Aims to Lure Insurgents with 'Bait'
- U.S. Forces Rely on Local Informants in Ferreting Rebels in West Iraq
- Vietnam revisited
- Who's Actually Winning in Iraq?
- Why victory not a matter of troops
- Wrongful incarceration not unusual in Iraq
Iran-Saudi Arabia-Iraq
- 'Great Satan' Gets Struck Out
- AP's Iran-Trained Hit Squads Story: Iraq News Nadir?
- Blowback from a Strike on Iran: The Further Destabilization of Iraq
- Cross-Border Chases from Iraq OK, Document Says
- Dangerous Liaison
- Did Iranian agents dupe Pentagon officials?
- Doubting the Evidence Against Iran
- Guess Who Likes the G.I.'s in Iraq (Look in Iran's Halls of Power)
- Hezbollah Is Training Iraqis in Iran, Michael Gordon Says American Officials Say
- In pictures: U.S. Iran evidence
- Insurgents--they buy American
- Iran, Iraq Herald 'New Chapter' in Shi'a-Led Alliance
- Iran hails 'first Islamist Arab state' in Iraq
- Iraq: The elusive Iranian weapons
- Iran-Iraq border trade heavy but no weapons found
- Iraq takes a turn towards Tehran
- Iraq Winners Allied With Iran Are the Opposite of U.S. Vision
- Media Fumbles Iran Narrative Again
- Michael Gordon trains his stenographer weapons on Iran
- Saudis reportedly funding Iraqi Sunni insurgents
- The Iran Attack That Wasn't
- U.S. plans base on Iraq-Iran border
- Where Are Those Iranian Weapons in Iraq?
- Who's Killing American Soldiers in Iraq?
- Why Baghdad Will Explode Again
Iraqi Turns Against Iraqi
- 'Maybe They Just Need to Have Their Civil War'
- All Iraqi Groups Blame U.S. Invasion for Discord, Study Shows
- Analysts See Lebanon-ization of Iraq in Crystal Ball
- As Iraqi Shi'as Police Sunnis, Rough Justice Feeds Bitterness
- British-Trained Police in Iraq 'Killed Prisoners with Drills'
- Civil strife is not the only conflict for Iraq's Shi'as
- Ethnic rifts that colour the games little children play
- Frontline police of new Iraq are waging secret war of vengeance
- Growing friction separates Shi'as and Sunnis
- How Neocon Shi'a Strategy Led to Sectarian War
- Inside Iraq's hidden war
- Iraq's Death Squads: On the Brink of Civil War
- Iraq Broils
- Iraq is Disintegrating as Ethnic Cleansing Takes Hold
- Iraq Is the Republic of Fear
- Iraq on the Brink: How Likely Is Civil War?
- Iraq Violence Turns Inward
- Long path to Iraq's sectarian split
- Mission Accomplished
- Nationalists Stirring in Iraq
- On the Ground in Iraq: The roots of sectarian violence
- Sectarian Bloodshed Reveals Strength of Iraq Militias
- The Dirty War: Torture and mutilation used on Iraqi 'insurgents'
- The Myth of Sectarian Violence in Iraq
- Torture site backs fears of pro-Iran infiltrators
- Where the Shadows Have Shadows
Kurdistan and Kirkuk
- Battle over oil-rich city threatens to derail Iraqi elections
- Hundreds Disappear Into the Black Hole of the Kurdish Prison System in Iraq
- In Iraq, fault lines run deep over Kirkuk's future
- Iraqi Kurdistan—A New Warzone?
- Kirkuk dispute fuels ethnic tensions in Iraq
- Kurdish control of Kirkuk creates a powder keg in Iraq
- Kurdish Media Complain of Harassment
- Kurds Cultivating Their Own Bonds With U.S.
- Kurds impose limits on where Arabs can live in Iraq's north
- Safety Over Liberty in Kurdistan
- Strip of Iraq 'on the Verge of Exploding'
- Tensions run high in Iraq over disputed Kirkuk
- The battle for Kirkuk
- To Protect or to Project? Iraqi Kurds and Their Future
- Trouble in Kurdistan
- Trouble on the Iran-Iraq Border
- Writer jailed for defaming Kurdish leader in Iraq
Muqtada al-Sadr and the Mahdi Army
- A cleric, a pol, a warrior
- Charity work shows another side to Sadr's movement
- Is 'Success' of U.S. Surge in Iraq About to Unravel?
- Muqtada's biggest battle already won
- Sadr's army proves hard to beat
- Sadr's Militia May Live to Fight Again
- The Lessons of Basra
- Why Maliki Attacked Basra
Murdering, Torturing, and Otherwise Harming Iraqis
- America's Reign of Terror in Iraq
- American Gangsterism
- Bad Apples Keep Bobbing Up
- General who probed Abu Ghraib says Bush officials committed war crimes
- Haditha, Bush, and Nuremberg's Law
- How Massacres Become the Norm
- In Secret Unit's 'Black Room', A Grim Portrait of Torture
- Interview with Dahr Jamail: The Winter Soldier testimony, the critical dehumanization process in waging war, the intentional tactics the military uses to foment these views, the complete black-out of Winter Soldier by the U.S. media, "drop-weapons" used by soldiers to frame dead civilians as enemies in Iraq, lies told by recruiters to brainwash young soldiers, the lie of the success of the "surge" in Iraq, and the horrific situations soldiers deal with every day in Iraq.
- Marine's graphic interview describes killing of prisoners in Iraq
- Marine gets no prison time for Iraqi man's death
- Detainees sealed in pepper spray cell
- Suspect Soldiers: Did Crimes in U.S. Foretell Violence in Iraq?
- Rationalizing Haditha
- The Man from Haditha
- The Meaning of Haditha: Exception or Rule?
- The Meaning of Haditha: Murderous depravity and empire-building go hand-in-hand
- The Occupation of Iraqi Hearts and Minds
- The Other War: Iraq Vets Bear Witness
- The Real Meaning of Haditha
- The S&M War
- The Way Americans Like Their War
- U.S. Troops Shooting Any Iraqi Who Moves
- Village disputes story of deadly attack
- War Crimes: My Lai is a Lesson from History
- What May Come of the Haditha Massacre?
- Deals With Iraq Are Set to Bring Oil Giants Back
- If oil was the question, war wasn't the answer
- Iraq's Oil Bust
- Iraq's Missing Sea of Oil
- Oil giants return to Iraq
- Oil groups dream of day they can enter Iraq
- Oil will pay for rebuilding Iraq? No, wrong again
- The Bush Administration Strikes Oil in Iraq
- The Curse of Oil
- What Oil Companies Will Get in Iraq
- Report: Stop-loss to continue through 2009
- Stop-loss used to retain 50,000 troops
- Their time's up, but these soldiers are stuck in Iraq
The 'New Iraq'
- 'Democracy', Iraqi-Style
- A hint of freedom for Iraqi women
- A Journey into the 'Taliban Republic' Where the Militias Rule Unchallenged
- Abuse 'widespread' in Iraqi prisons
- Americans Die for Shari'a in Iraq
- An Iraqi's firsthand view of a U.S. sweep
- Backing Allawi Again, This Time for a Fee
- Bush Finds Democracy Has Its Limits
- Democracy: Iraq votes, Bush vetoes
- Get Out the Vote
- Hey Bush! How Stupid Do You Think We Are?
- Horror Found Inside a Baquba Hospital
- In Iraq, Old-Style Chicago Politics Is Boss
- In Iraq, security trumps women's rights
- Inspectors Find More Torture at Iraqi Jails
- Iraq: The Changing Plan
- Iraq's Armed Forces Sinking Into Sectarian Chaos
- Iraq's fractured republic
- Iraq's future still going up in smoke
- Iraq's History Still Divides Children of Mesopotamia
- Iraq's Laboratory of Repression
- Iraq and Moral Corruption
- Iraq handing out cash to people on the streets
- Iraq Under the U.S. Thumb
- Iraqi Democracy
- Iraqis in Tal Afar question Bush's optimism
- Is Government Organic or Artificial?
- Just a coup away
- Muck and menace in Maliki's Iraq
- Nonstop Theft and Bribery Stagger Iraq
- Open Fire: The U.S. needlessly inflamed Iraq in the vain hope of sparking a democratic revolution. We got an inferno instead
- Rebellion and Pacification in Iraq
- Reverse Ba'athism
- Shaky economy difficult to prod
- Shi'a militants gaining strength in Basra
- The Big Questions About Iraq
- The clock ticks for Iraq's time bomb
- The Failure of Nation-Building in Bosnia and Iraq
- The Five Iraqs
- The Iraqi women who fear that democracy will crush freedom
- The night the Americans came
- The Prospects for Democracy in Iraq
- The Shari'a Problem
- Thousands of U.S. troops to oversee Iraqi police
- U.S.-allied Iraqi politician kills two U.S. troops, wounds four
- U.S. 'to drop' Iraq caucus plan
- U.S. audit finds 'spectacular' waste of funds in Iraq
- U.S. brings Iraq prison camp out of legal black hole
- U.S. Has End in Sight on Iraq Rebuilding
- U.S. Pays for 150 Iraqi Clinics, and Manages to Build 20
- U.S. postwar planning for Iraq almost nonexistent
- Violence and threats hamper freedom of expression
- West turns blind eye as police put Saddam's torturers back to work
- Which Is the Real Iraq?
- Why Iraq's Police Are a Menace
- Wrong Mission Accomplished
The 'Rationale' for War and After It Was Launched: The Evidence and Deduction of Deceit by Government Officials
- 'Saddam chose to deny inspectors'
- 'We're Taking Him Out'
- A Spy Speaks Out
- American patriot
- Author Claims White House Knew Iraq Had No WMD
- Blair 'made secret U.S. Iraq pact'
- Blowing Cheney's Cover
- British Intelligence Warned Blair of Bush's Determination to Use Military Against Hussein
- Bush: Congress Shouldn't Have Trusted Rice?
- Bush's Favourite Lie
- Bush 'Plotted to Lure Saddam into War with Fake U.N. Plane'
- Bush has decided to overthrow Hussein
- Bush Knew Hussein Had No Weapons of Mass Destruction
- Bush Was Set on Path to War, Memo by British Adviser Says
- Cheney's CIA visits pressured us: analysts
- Durbin kept silent on prewar knowledge
- Ever-Evolving Excuses for War
- ticles/20050622/fixed_is_fixed.php">Fixed Is Fixed
- Following Orders Is No Excuse
- How Neoconservatives Conquered Washington--and Launched a War
- Insulating Bush
- Iraq's Pentagon Papers: Where Are They?
- It's Criminal
- Let history judge
- Lie After Lie: What Exactly Colin Powell Knew Five Years Ago Today, and What He Told the World
- Nailing the Lies
- Officials Lean Toward Keeping Next Iraq Assessment Secret
- Proof of Deception, Not Intention
- Questions that Won't Be Asked About Iraq
- Saddam Hussein 'wanted $1bn exile deal'
- Selective Intelligence
- Smoking Gun Misfiring?
- Some Iraq Analysts Felt Pressure From Cheney Visits
- Still Cherry-Picking the Facts
- The Great Awakening to the Iraq Deception
- The last laugh
- The Lying Game
- The Real News in the Downing Street Memos
- The secret Downing Street memo
- The spies who pushed for war on Iraq
- They Lied About the Reasons for Going to War
- Tony Blair: 'I wanted war'
- Tower of Babble Rabble
- True Confessions
- What Is Bush's Agenda in Iraq?
- White House 'buried British intelligence on Iraq WMDs'
The 'Rationale' for War: The 'Links' to Al-Qaida
- Al-Libi and the Cheney/Bush Torture Regime
- Al-Qaida-Hussein Link Is Dismissed
- Bush's bogus document dump
- Hijacker 'did not meet Iraqi agent'
- More fake war propaganda
- No links to Saddam, al-Qaida pair claim
- The New Revelations in Ron Suskind’s New Book About an Alleged White House Order Behind the Forged Link Between Saddam Hussein and Mohamed Atta and Michael Scheuer's Work Debunking Any Real Iraq-al-Qaida Connection--in January 2003
- The White House's Weak Denials
The 'Rationale' for War: The 'Weapons of Mass Destruction'
- 50 percent of U.S. says Iraq had WMD
- Chemical coup d'état
- Cheney and the 'nuclear threat'
- Final report: Iraq had no WMD
- How U.S. Fell Under the Spell of 'Curveball'
- Iraqi defectors tricked us with WMD lies, but we must not be fooled again
- Israel knew Iraq had no WMD, says MP
- Lacking Biolabs, Trailers Carried Case for War
- Mohamed ElBaradei's U.N. presentation on Iraq
- Piecing together the story of the weapons that weren't
- Return of the Tinker
- Simple Yet Profound
- The Forged Iraqi Letter: What Just Happened?
- The Icing on the Yellowcake
- The Manipulator, Ahmad Chalabi
- U.S. study: Iraq likely didn't ship WMD to Syria
- Weapons of Mass Distraction
- What Happened to Iraq's WMD
- When the cheerleaders admit they were wrong, we'll move on
- Who Duped Bill Clinton on Iraq's WMD?
- WMD in Iraq? Take a look for yourself
- Wolfowitz comments revive doubts over Iraq's WMD
The 'Rationale' for War: The Niger Uranium Forgeries
- American who advised Pentagon says he wrote for magazine that found forged Niger documents
- Crude Niger forgeries surface in Italian paper
- Early doubts about Niger uranium sale to Iraq
- Follow the Documents
- How Bogus Letter Became a Case for War
- La Repubblica On Sismi and Hadley
- La Repubblica Series Translated
- Niger forgeries: The Italian connection
- The Niger Yellowcake Story: The Italian Version
- Unanswerable Questions for Michael Ledeen
- Yellowcake and 'Plamegate'
The 'Surge' and Its Fruits
- A Calmer Iraq: Fragile, and Possibly Fleeting
- A Social History of the Surge
- Admitting Failure
- Baghdad, 5 years on (part 1): City of walls (YouTube video)
- Christmas in Diyala, the War Party's 'Model' Province
- Defining Victory Downward
- Despite drop in violence, Pentagon finds little long-term progress in Iraq
- Experts Doubt Drop In Violence in Iraq
- False Sense of Security in Iraq
- Hold On and Pray
- How a Surge 'Works'
- Iraq: Violence Is Down--But Not Because of America's 'Surge'
- Iraq's New Law on Ex-Baathists Could Bring Another Purge
- Iraq's Tragic Future
- Iraq law on Ba'athists not being implemented
- Iraq of ‘08 Eerily Like Vietnam of ‘68
- Iraqi Deaths Up in October in Blow to Credibility of U.S. 'Surge' Policy
- Iraqis fear surge is a temporary lull instead of permanent peace
- Is the U.S. Really Bringing Stability to Baghdad?
- Missing Voices in the Iraq Debate
- Mounting Death Toll Which Makes a Mockery of U.S. Optimism
- Poll: Iraqis Say U.S. Troops Not Helping
- Progress in Iraq?: The Surge Was Not All it Was Hyped Up to Be
- Report says buildup in Iraq gained little
- Reporters Say Baghdad Too Dangerous Despite Surge
- Satellite Photos Show Sectarian Cleansing, Not Surge, Led to Drop in Iraq Violence
- Security in Iraq still elusive
- Selling the President's General
- Slight of Hand Surge
- Sunnis Say Law Opening Jobs to Ex-Baathists Would Do More Harm Than Good
- Surge hasn't curbed violence in Iraq
- Surge Protection
- Surge to Nowhere
- Surging to a Stalemate
- Surging to Defeat
- The Myth of the Surge
- The Surge: Illusion and Reality
- Truth-Tellers
- U.S. surge has failed: Iraqi poll
- Welcome to the Quagmire
- What's Really Happened During the Surge?
- What Crocker and Petraeus Didn't Say
- Who's Really Running Iraq?
- Who Wants to Talk About Troop Strain?
The Archaeological Damage of the War
- 'Ancient civilization… broken to pieces'
- Baghdad museum treasures still locked from view
- Can Iraqi sites that have survived seventeen centuries survive the U.S. military?
The Blackwater Mercenaries
- A Lesson in How to Create Iraqi Orphans. And Then How to Make Life Worse for Them
- Blackwater attempted to take Iraqi military aircraft out of Iraq; U.S. Congress wants answers
- Blackwater Bodyguards Promised Immunity
- Blackwater Protesters Given Secret Trial and Criminal Conviction
- I survived Blackwater
- Immunity Jeopardizes Iraq Probe
- New Evidence That Blackwater Guards Took No Fire
- The Real Story of Baghdad's Bloody Sunday
- What Happens To Mercenaries Who Kill Iraqis? Maybe Nothing
- Where Military Rules Don't Apply
The Christians of Iraq
- An advocate for Iraq's displaced Christians
- Assyrian Christians fight to save themselves from the new Islamic Iraq
- At Christmas, Iraqi Christians Ask for Forgiveness, and for Peace
- Attacks on Christians in Iraqi city raise concern
- Christian Militias Aim to Protect Iraqi Community Beset by Violence
- Christian Security Forces Growing Stronger in Iraq
- For Basra's Christians, Hussein era the good old days
- For Iraqi Christians, money bought survival
- Iraq: Christians say targeting by extremists amounts to genocide
- Iraq's Assyrian Christians, far from home, cling to roots
- Iraq's early midnight Mass
- Iraqi Christians cling to last, waning refuges
- Iraqi Christians Flee Campaign of Violence in North
- Iraqi Christians protest end to legislative quotas
- Iraqi worshippers risk their lives to celebrate Christmas in church
- Kurdish Forces Confiscating Ration Cards, Weapons From Assyrians in North Iraq
- Mass commemorates Christians martyred in Iraq
- More than 10,000 Iraqi Christians protest in Iraq's Dahuk
- Pogrom Against Mosul's Christians
- Saving the Christians of Iraq
- Sorrow, defiance as Iraq Christians bury slain priest
- Spate of Violence Against Iraqi Christians Spreads Panic
- The disaster for Iraqi Christians
- Violence Robs Iraq of Christian Heritage
The Media and the War
- 4,000 U.S. Combat Deaths, and Just a Handful of Images
- 'Good News' From Iraq
- Behind TV Analysts, Pentagon's Hidden Hand
- Blaming the Media for Bad War News
- Brian Williams' 'Response' to the Military Analyst Story
- CBS Falsifies Iraq War History
- CNN/MSNBC reporter: Corporate executives forced pro-Bush, pro-war narrative
- Collateral Damage: Reporting the War in Iraq
- Don’t Like the News? Then Buy Your Own!
- Dying to tell the story? More than you know
- Five Years Ago 'Embeds' Got Ready for War Duty in Iraq: How Did That Work Out?
- From Baghdad: A Wall Street Journal Reporter's E-Mail to Friends
- Hold the Good News
- How useful is U.S. propaganda in Iraq?
- Iraq: Why the media failed
- Journalism under Siege in Baghdad
- Lap Dogs of the Press
- Major Revelation: U.S. Media Deceitfully Disseminates Government Propaganda
- McCain Falsely Claims the Surge 'Began The Anbar Awakening', But CBS Edits It Out
- Memo to Scott McClellan: here's what happened
- Military analysts named in Times exposé appeared or were quoted more than 4,500 times on broadcast nets, cables, and NPR
- Military Propaganda Pushed Me Off TV
- Military Will Keep Planting Articles in Iraq
- Mr. Bush Goes to Tikrit (Sort Of)
- Network anchors praise the job they did in the run-up to the invasion
- Quick Rise for Purveyors of Propaganda in Iraq
- Reporter recalls the layers of truth told in Iraq
- Review board orders AP journalist held
- Tales From Inside the Editorial Board Room
- The Good News From Iraq: We can't hear it--the bombs are too loud
- The Lies in Your Head, More Powerful than All Facts
- The press toe the line on the Iraq war
- The U.S. Propaganda Machine: Oh, What a Lovely War
- The Word at War
- There is No 'Good News' in Iraq
- U.S. Military Covertly Pays to Run Stories in Iraqi Press
- U.S. Military Kicks Out Embedded Blogger For Photographing Marine Killed In A Suicide Bombing In Iraq
- War? What war?
- Was Press a War 'Enabler'? Two Offer a Nod from Inside
The Plight and Daily Lives of Iraqis
- 'I've no first aid. It's like a cab'
- After 5 years of war, Iraqis desperate for water
- Ambulances Scarce in Iraq
- Another Year of Living Misery in Baghdad
- Baghdad up close and personal
- Baghdadis tell their stories
- Chalabi returns to prominence and power
- Corruption Blamed As Cholera Rips Through Iraq
- Crime Becomes Another Occupation
- Desperate Squatters a 'Huge Problem'
- Discontent Surges in Iraq
- Facts of life in a war zone
- Fear of death inspires twice-daily rite
- Food Shortages Gnaw at Iraqis' Stomachs, Morale
- In Iraq, giving birth is complicated by war
- Iraq: Home to Too Many Widows
- Iraq's electricity-starved capital turns to solar
- Iraq's militias: Many little armies, one huge problem
- Iraq's Palestinians still live in fear
- Iraqi widows feel lost in land that cannot provide
- Iraqis cope with life without lights
- Just another day in Baghdad
- Militias and armed gangs rule streets of Iraq
- No one dares to help
- No reason for optimism in Iraq
- One Week in Baghdad
- Opium Fields Spread Across Iraq as Farmers Try to Make Ends Meet
- Psychological trauma widespread in Iraq
- School trip to nowhere
- Seven days in Iraq
- The Anniversary from Hell
- The Catastrophic Iraq Occupation the U.S. Media Rarely Reports: Interview with Dahr Jamail
- The Gas-Line Quagmire in Iraq
- The polite insurgents
- The Real State of Iraq
- Toy guns, a burned taxi, and daily life in Baghdad
- U.S. Missteps Leave Iraqis in the Dark
- Unending health disaster for Iraqi kids
- Was Iraq Better Off Under Saddam?
- Who's Better Off?
- Will the streets ever be safe?
- With faulty power, Iraqis find ways to beat the heat
- Wrecked Iraq
The Plight of Fallujah and Other Iraqi Cities
- 'The Americans Bring Us Only Destruction'
- 'We Regard Fallujah as a Large Prison'
- A City Lies in Ruins, Along with the Lives of the Wretched Survivors
- Baghdad's walls keep peace but feel like prison
- Basra is not a 'better place'
- Can Fallujah be rebuilt?
- Dead Cities
- Fallujah Now Under a Different Kind of Siege
- Fallujah safer but residents still lack basic services
- First-Hand Account of April ’04 U.S. Siege of Fallujah
- In Fallujah, Peace Through Brute Strength
- Iraq: Bird's eye view of an empty, wounded city
- IRAQ: In one 'Black Night', another Baghdad neighborhood is walled in
- Iraqis in 'besieged' city struggle to survive
- Ramadi Becomes Another Fallujah
- U.K. 'failed to make Basra safe'
- War Has Made Baghdad Pre-Industrial
- Who Is Killing the Women of Basra?
The Refugees and Internally Displaced
- After leaving Iraq, a bitter return home
- Asylum Program Falls Short For Iraqis Aiding U.S. Forces
- Displaced Iraqis struggle for food, services: IOM
- EU cold on German plan to target Iraqi Christian refugees
- Exiled Iraqis too scared to return home despite propaganda push
- For Iraqi refugees, the wait drags on to enter the United States
- In E.U., hope dims for Iraqi refugees
- Iraq: Provincial elections and displacement
- Iraq's Tidal Wave of Misery
- Iraq encourages displaced people to return home
- Iraq faces void from an exodus of the educated
- Iraq suffers from dirty water, fears about cholera
- Iraq too dangerous for many professionals
- Iraqi expatriates return to host countries; minister advices Iraqis abroad not to return
- Iraqi Refugee Crisis Grows as West Turns Its Back
- Iraqi refugees find the door to Sweden closing
- Iraqi Refugees Return: One More Cruel Hoax
- Iraqis in Syria face food shortages
- Leaving Home Behind to Escape a Nightmare
- Making Sense of McCain's Confusion on the 'Surge'
- Money drives Iraqis out of Syria
- Number of displaced Iraqis is soaring
- One-sixth of Iraq's residents displaced: U.N.
- Out of Money and Options in Egypt, Some Refugees Are Heading Home
- Pressure for Results: The Politics of Tallying the Number of Iraqis Who Return Home
- Professionals Fleeing Iraq As Violence, Threats Persist
- Refugees are too scared to return to Iraq
- Religious Divisions Deter Exiles from Returning
- Safe from war, but barely surviving in U.S.
- Situation of Iraqi refugees deteriorating: report
- The Flight from Iraq
- The Iraqi brain drain
- Too soon for displaced Iraqis to return?
- U.N. refugee agency warns against Iraq returns
- U.S. Struggles to Keep Iraqi Refugees Out of Michigan
The Sunni 'Awakening'
- 'We were basically hiring terrorists'
- America's allies under pressure as civil war breaks out among Sunnis
- American-backed killer militias strut across Iraq
- Behind the Anbar myth
- End of Iraq's Awakening?
- Ex-insurgents Want More Money, or Else
- How George Bush Became the New Saddam
- Key U.S. Iraq strategy in danger of collapse
- Meet Abu Abed, the U.S.'s new ally
- Paying Insurgents Not to Fight
- Rise of 'Awakening' Groups Sets Off a Struggle for Power Among Sunnis
- Ruthless, shadowy—and a U.S. ally
- Sons of Iraq? Or Baghdad's Sopranos?
- The Fake U.S. Victory in Iraq
- War Again in Fallujah?
- What Does the Future Hold for Iraq's Awakening Councils?
- Will Iraq's Great Awakening Lead to a Nightmare?
The Toll in Blood--for Iraq
- Baghdad, Five years on (part 2): killing fields (YouTube video)
- Better Saddam Than Dead
- Iraq: WHO Says Violence Has Claimed 151,000 Civilians Since 2003
- Iraq Conflict Has Killed a Million Iraqis: Survey
- Iraqi deaths survey 'was robust'
- Learning to Count: The Dead in Iraq
- Poll: Civilian Death Toll in Iraq May Top One Million
- Study Claims Iraq's 'Excess' Death Toll Has Reached 655,000
- Study Says Violence in Iraq Has Been Underreported
- The numbers do add up
- What's an Iraqi Life Worth?
- What Defines a Killing as Sectarian?
The Toll in Blood--for the West
- 7/7--Why? Iraq
- A Few Obscenities for Blair and Company to Chew On
- As we sowed, so do we reap
- Blowback in Iraq?
- Do You Feel Any Safer?
- Flypaper theory comes unstuck
- Iraq is seen as training ground for wider violence
- Iraq may end up exporting terrorists to Europe: EU
- MI5 analysts admit link between Iraq war and London bombings
- Ties to U.S. Made Britain Vulnerable, Report Says
- U.K. was warned of July suicide attacks
- Unintended Consequences
- Who Made Iraq Into a Threat?
The Toll in Treasure
- Defeat Without End: 'Why is our economy tanking? The war, the war, the war'
- How Costly Is Too Costly?
- I Ain't Paying for That!
- In search of rebuilding billions
- Iraq war 'caused slowdown' of U.S. economy
- Iraq war costs Outweigh gains, some experts say
- Is this war worth the price?
- Nobel Laureate Estimates War’s Cost at More Than $3 Trillion
- Paying the Iraq Bill
- Use of Iraq Contractors Costs Billions, Report Says
- Waging the trillion-dollar war
Trying Saddam Hussein
- Can Saddam Hussein get a fair trial?
- Justice for Saddam and His Victims
- More Than Hussein Is on Trial
- Seeing Saddam in a different light
- The State in the Dock
- Try Saddam and His Accomplices
- We'll Miss Saddam
U.S. Designs on Iraq and the Need to Withdraw
- A Letter from the Troops
- Another bad deal for Baghdad
- Are American Intentions More 'Base' Than Honourable?
- Becoming Desperate in Iraq
- Before Iraq inks deal with U.S., a little history
- Bush's Looming Defeat in Iraq
- Bush plan for Iraq would be a first
- Bush trying to sidestep Congress on permanent bases question
- Can You Say 'Permanent Bases'?
- Curb Your Enthusiasm
- Cutting and Running in Baghdad
- Disorderly or Not, America Should Withdraw
- Don't Miss the Train
- Fighting for the Right to Detain Iraqis
- Fire Fight: Only after America leaves Iraq can the conflagration we started be brought under control
- Give Iraqis what they want
- How Iraqi Democracy May Mean an Early U.S. Withdrawal
- Iraq: The forever treaty
- Iraq's Nationalist Surge
- Iraq bases spur questions over U.S. plans
- Iraq Forever: Going back on our word
- Iraqi Government to U.N.: 'Don't Extend Mandate for Bush's Occupation'
- Iraqi Official: We're Scheming to Bypass Need for Congressional Approval
- Iraqi Sovereignty and U.S. Bases
- Long-Term Pact with Iraq Raises Questions
- Maliki raises possibility that Iraq might ask U.S. to leave
- Maliki ready to oust U.S. from Iraq's Green Zone
- Military Bases, the Media, and the Democrats
- Pentagon Fighting Off Peace Majorities in Iraq and U.S., a Crisis of Democracy
- Playing the Soviet Part
- Pullout Demand Signals Final Bush Defeat in Iraq
- Secret Plan to Keep Iraq Under U.S. Control
- Secret U.S.-Iraq 'Status of Forces' Agreement Would Preserve Human Rights Violations, Torture Policies in Iraq
- Security Firms Lose Immunity in Iraq Deal
- The blueprint for Forward Base America
- The Commander-in-Chief Has Lost the Troops
- The death of U.S. strategy in Iraq
- The Shift
- The U.S. Occupation and Popular Opinion in Iraq
- Those who talk democracy should listen to Iraq's people
- Time to Leave Iraq
- Troop Reduction Legerdemain
- Troops to Bush: 'Get Us Out of Here!'
- U.S., Iraq Scale Down Negotiations Over Forces
- U.S., Iraq still aiming for troop deal this year: officials
- U.S. and U.K. Forces Establish 'Enduring Bases' in Iraq
- U.S. Asking Iraq for Wide Rights on War
- U.S. bases in Iraq: a costly legacy
- U.S. seeking 58 bases in Iraq, Shi'a lawmakers say
- U.S. signals permanent stay in Iraq
- U.S. working on two agreements on future Iraq ties
U.S.-British Prewar Policies and Assessments
- A Little Late for Winning Hearts and Minds
- Albright 'Apologizes'
- April Glaspie Redux
- Assessments Made in 2003 Foretold Disastrous Situation in Iraq
- Before War, CIA Warned of Negative Outcomes
- British bombing raids were illegal, says Foreign Office
- Bush Sr. Secret Effort Helped Iraq Build Its War Machine
- Clinton's war in Iraq
- Deaths of 500,000 Iraqi Children 'Worth It': Madeleine Albright (YouTube video)
- Ex-Envoy Details Hussein Meeting
- Pentagon report finds no evidence of Saddam attempt to assassinate Bush Sr.
- Some Common, Bad Arguments for the Recent U.S. Policy Towards Iraq
- The Iraq Liberation Act
- Wagging the Dog
- Were Sanctions Worth the Price?
White Phosphorus
- Arms controversy in Iraq over use of white phosphorus
- Behind the phosphorus clouds are war crimes within war crimes
- Britain dragged into white phosphorus row
- Defense of Phosphorus Use Turns Into Damage Control
- Did the U.S. use chemical weapons in Iraq?
- Incendiary Weapons: The Big White Lie
- Propaganda nightmare of chemical hypocrisy
- Report drops Fallujah bombshell
- The Fog of War: White Phosphorus, Fallujah and Some Burning Questions
- U.S. Army rules say: 'Don't use WP against people'
- Use of Chemical in Iraq Ignites Debate
- White phosphorus 'may have killed' in Iraq
- Who's Misinforming Whom About White Phosphorus?
- 'If You Start Looking at Them as Humans, Then How Are You Gonna Kill Them?'
- A Glossary of Iraq Euphemisms
- Abu Nidal, notorious Palestinian mercenary, 'was a U.S. spy'
- America Is Running Out of Time
- Calling Out Idiot America
- Chalabi's Star Rises Again with Iranian Intrigues in Baghdad
- Christian Compassion Versus Christian Warmongering
- Condi, War Crimes, and the Press
- Current Relations Among Iraq's Factions, the Humanitarian Catastrophe, and the Danger to U.S. Troops in Iraq in Event of War with Iran
- Don't Let Blair Off the Hook
- Lawmakers Describe 'Being Slimed in the Green Zone'
- Petraeus, Iraq, and the Lebanon Analogy
- Rice authorized National Security Agency to spy on UN Security Council in run-up to war, former officials say
- The Adulation of Ignorance
- The Real Iraq We Knew
- The War as We Saw It
- U.N. Loyalties Expose Hypocrisy for Hawks and Doves Alike
- U.S. Calls a Straw Poll in Iraq: It May Not Like the Result
- What About the War, Pope Benedict?
- When Desertion Is a Duty
- Where Plan A Left Ahmad Chalabi
- Who Is Responsible?
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