Afghanistan Links
Afghanistan's History
- Afghanistan: At the Crossroads of Ancient Civilizations
- Afghanistan's Agony
- Assessing Afghanistan
- Unearthing Anguish in a Troubled Land
- Afghan farmers find alternative to opium: marijuana
- Afghan opium fight hurts poorest
- Afghanistan: Addicted to Heroin
- Canada may be drawn into drug-eradication in Afghanistan
- Canada stays out of Afghan poppy eradication
- Cannabis Thrives in an Afghan Province
- Drug war, Taliban, poppies are all in full flower
- Grow opium or die: Afghan farmers say choice is stark (scroll down for article)
- Hooked on a Failing
- In Afghan Poppy Heartland, New Crops, Growing Danger
- Let Afghanistan Grow the World's Opium Supply
- Nations vow to tackle opium problem in Afghanistan
- No alternative to opium, say farmers
- Poppy paradox in Afghanistan
- Poverty feeds Afghan drugs trade
- Ruined poppy farmers join ranks with the Taliban
- Schweich, ICG, etc.--Assume the Existence of a State in Afghanistan
- The extraordinary folly of Britain's new opium war
- The perils of trying to uproot an opium economy
- The Taliban's Opium War
- U.S. fails to reduce Afghan opium crop
- Victorious warlords set to open the opium floodgates
- War on drugs strengthens Afghan mafia
- What Are They Smoking?
Fighting the Insurgentcy
- 'How We Lost the War We Won: A Journey into Taliban-Controlled Afghanistan'
- 'If it was jihad then, it's jihad now'
- 'The Taliban Are Terrorists'
- A Modernized Taliban Thrives in Afghanistan
- A Ragtag Pursuit of the Taliban
- Aaugh!
- A catalogue of errors in Afghanistan
- A heavy hand in Afghanistan
- Afghan loss equals terrorist win: ex-CIA analyst
- Afghan War Only Just Beginning, Security Group Warns
- Afghanistan: Time for Truth
- Afghanistan's insurgency spreading north
- An insurgency beyond the Taliban
- Are Theological Tensions Distancing Taliban from al-Qaida?
- As Taliban Influence Grows, 'Shadow Government' Seems an Increasingly Viable Option to Afghans
- Backlash from Afghan Civilian Deaths
- Britain's key weapon in Afghanistan: the bribe
- Britain's theatrical war against the Taliban
- British 'success' under siege in Afghanistan
- British plan to build training camp for Taliban defectors in Afghanistan
- Brutal U.S. Attack on Unarmed Afghans Captured by Photos
- Can tribes take on the Taliban?
- Civilian deaths from Western fire in Afghanistan could fuel support for Taliban
- Civilian Deaths Undermine War on Taliban
- Concerns Mounts Over Civilian Deaths in Afghanistan
- Crunch time coming in Afghanistan?
- Ex-Taliban Commander Lectures Mullah Omar About Koran
- Fatal errors in Afghanistan
- Fight Less, Win More
- Fighting a Hard, Half-Forgotten War
- For us ze war is over by tea time, ja
- From Great Game to Grand Bargain
- Hobbled in Kabul
- How COIN Generalists Fail Afghanistan
- In Afghanistan, a Do-Over Battle
- In Afghanistan, It's About Air Power, Too
- In the Land of the Taliban
- It's time to recalibrate Canada's mission
- Karzai: 'I Wish I Had the Taliban as My Soldiers'
- Majority of Afghan insurgents not Taliban
- Mistakes by Afghan Translators Endanger Lives, Hamper Western Effort
- NATO Confronts Surprisingly Fierce Taliban
- Pouring Gas on the Afghanistan Bonfire
- Pushtunwali: The Code that Governs the Lives of Pashtuns in Afghanistan and Pakistan
- Secrets of the Taliban's success
- Sending more troops to Afghanistan could backfire, experts warn
- Struggle to rein in Taliban in Afghanistan's south
- Taking the Fight to the Taliban
- Taliban control half of Afghanistan, says report
- Taliban Evolves into Network of Groups
- Taliban factions may be using British forces to assassinate rival commanders
- The Other War
- The Surge That Failed: Afghanistan Under the Bombs
- The Taliban Fedayeen: The World's Worst Suicide Bombers?
- Three warlords lead Afghan uprising
- Tribal militias enlisted to protect the south
- U.K. army's 'vacuum' bomb hits Taliban
- U.S. and Afghan government frustrated by Taliban's resilience
- U.S. losing the moral high ground
- U.S. Planes Bomb Afghanistan With $100 Bills and Photos of Bush
- U.S. Military Weighs Recruiting Afghan Tribes to Fight Taliban
- Why? Six years on from the invasion of Afghanistan
- Why Does the U.S. Think It Can Win in Afghanistan?
- Why the Neo-Taliban is Winning
Foreign Aid in Afghanistan
- Afghans Find Key Promises Unfulfilled
- Poorly-directed aid increases Afghanistan's woes
- U.N. to urge revamp of Afghan aid
- U.S. aid to Afghanistan falls short
- U.S. paid for media firm Afghans didn't want
Growing Support for the Taliban and Antipathy Toward the Foreigners
- Anti-Western feeling seen rising in Afghanistan (scroll down for article)
- As Crime Increases in Kabul, So Does Nostalgia for Taliban
- Hearts, Minds, and Body Bags: NATO Battles Rising Hostility in Afghanistan
- Poll: Afghans' Criticism of U.S. Efforts Rises; In the Southwest, Taliban Support Grows
- Taliban still a force in Afghanistan
- Taliban support rising in Afghanistan: study
- We want the Taliban back, say ordinary Afghans
Iran and Afghanistan
- Tensions mount between Iran, Afghanistan's Taliban in 1998
- The impact of U.S.-Iran enmity on Afghanistan
- A Line Not to Be Crossed: The Afghan-Pakistan Border
- Ahmed Rashid on How the U.S. Aid to Ally Pakistan is Aiding the Taliban
- At Border, Signs of Pakistani Role in Taliban Surge
- Embassy Attack in Kabul Highlights Pakistan-India Rivalry
- From Pakistan, with jihad
- How the Taliban keep their coffers full
- In the Hiding Zone
- Inside the Pakistan-Taliban Relationship: Six Questions for Ahmed Rashid
- Insurgencies spreading in Pakistan and Afghanistan
- International strength of Taliban and al-Qaida threatens allied efforts
- ISI-Sponsored Attack on Indian Embassy in Kabul Boomerangs
- Killing ourselves in Afghanistan
- Losing Afghanistan
- Obama and the Taliban
- Obama is saying the wrong things about Afghanistan
- Pakistan, the Taliban, and the U.S.
- Pakistan cuts supply lines to NATO troops in Afghanistan
- Pakistan provided military aid, troops to Taliban
- Pakistan reopens supply lines to Western forces
- Pakistanis Aided Attack in Kabul, U.S. Officials Say
- Pashtuns and Taliban in Two States
- Secret documents reveal U.S. concern about Pakistan's backing of Taliban before 9/11
- Side-Effects of the War in Afghanistan on the Pakistani State
- Taliban stage a coup of their own
- The 'War on Terrorism' Licenses a New Stupidity in Geopolitics
- The Getaway: Questions surround a secret Pakistani airlift
- U.S. Afghan supply lines depend on Islamist militant
- U.S. documents show Pakistan gave Taliban military aid
- What's Really Going on in Afghanistan and Pakistan
- Why Pakistan is unlikely to crack down on Islamic militants, despite U.S. pressure
Situation of Women and Children
- Afghan Girls, Back in the Shadows
- Afghan women seek death by fire
- Afghan Women Still in Chains Under Karzai
- Afghan women suffer daily violence
- Afghanistan: Behind the burqas
- Bush fails women in Afghanistan
- Don't look, don't tell, Canadian troops told
- Generation lost as Taliban target vulnerable schools in bandit region
- In Afghanistan, Rape Victims Begin To Break The Silence
- Interview with Female Afghan Parliamentarian Malalai Joya
- Marriage practice victimizes young girls, society
- Shh, It's an Open Secret: Warlords and Pedophilia
- The Afghan women jailed for being victims of rape
- The Schools the Taliban Won't Torch
- Women's lives worse than ever in Afghanistan
- Women Back Under Wraps with Taliban-Style Vice Squad
Talking to and Engaging with the Taliban?
- Afghan opposition courts Taliban
- Afghanistan pushes reconciliation effort
- European diplomats expelled 'at behest of the US'
- Karzai offers government role to Taliban
- Peace Talks Could be Win-Win for Afghan Government, Taliban
- Saudis Held Talks Between Taliban, Afghan Government
- Secret Taliban peace bid
- Taliban spokesman rejects Karzai's offer of talks
- Talk to Mullah Omar, if it saves British soldiers' lives
- The Afghanistan Advantage
- Time to talk peace with the Taliban?
- We can persuade Taliban to be peaceful, says expelled EU man
- Why it's so hard to negotiate with the Taliban
- Why the West thinks it is time to talk to the Taliban
The 'New Afghanistan'
- Afghan Absurdities
- Afghan Autopsy
- Afghan government failure reopens door to the Taliban
- Afghan lawmakers push cultural bans of Taliban era
- Afghanistan: Five Years Later
- Afghanistan: Just Another Bush Success Story
- Afghans' Uneasy Peace With Democracy
- Afghans Fed Up With Government and U.S.
- Afghans to Karzai: You failed us
- After U.S. $6 Billion, Where's an Afghan Cop When You Need One?
- Chaos in Afghanistan
- Consider Afghanistan Democratized
- Corruption, bribes and trafficking: a cancer that is engulfing Afghanistan
- Corruption eats away at Afghan government
- Disillusioned Afghans Seen Turning on Karzai
- Fear, Disillusion, and Despair
- Grim reality of life beyond Helmand
- Hopes and fears of Afghan Christians
- How Taliban sprang 450 insurgents from Kandahar's Sarposa prison in Afghanistan
- Hunkering Down in Afghanistan
- In Afghanistan, Anger in Parliament Grows as President Defies Majority's Wishes
- International Occupation Isn't Helping Afghanistan
- Kajaki dam: Contentious, costly, and a failure
- On the brink
- Post-Taliban Free Speech Blocked by Courts, Clerics
- Rahman in Retrospect
- Saving Afghanistan
- The day that changed Afghanistan
- The President Who Would Be King
- Where does Karzai go from here?
- Winning the Battle, Losing the Faith
- Women who took on the Taliban--and lost
The Dim Prospects for a NATO Victory
- Afghan war is unwinnable
- Afghanistan: A River Running Backward
- Afghanistan: Where Empires Go to Die
- Ashes of Empire
- British envoy says mission in Afghanistan is doomed, according to leaked memo
- Brits Say: West Can't Win in Afghanistan
- Could NATO lose in Afghanistan?
- Dear Jim
- Downhill in Afghanistan: The most remote place on Earth is now the most dangerous
- Europeans see what Americans cannot
- Fear battles hope on the road to Kandahar
- Fiddling While Afghanistan Slides Away
- How to Save Afghanistan
- Is NATO Losing the Real Battle in Afghanistan?
- Memo to Canada: Might won't win in Afghanistan
- NATO's Lost Cause
- NATO Needs an Exit Strategy in Afghanistan
- Rockets, guile, and the lessons of history: the Taliban besiege Kabul
- Russian veterans on Afghanistan war: 'impossible to win'
- Surging in Afghanistan: Too Much, Too Late?
- Taliban ambushes threaten Nato's vital logistics route into Afghanistan
- Taliban at Kabul's doorstep
- Taliban conflict 'cannot be won' in Afghanistan
- Taliban Gains in Afghanistan Due to U.S.-Led Policy, Study Says
- The Afghan fire looks set to spread, but there is a way out
- The Afghan mission: lessons from the past
- The Reality of War in Afghanistan
- The steady stream of maimed or killed soldiers is but one of many increasingly disturbing parallels between Afghanistan and the Vietnam War
- The Taliban's Baghdad Strategy
- The war that can bring neither peace nor freedom
- There is never going to be a NATO victory in Afghanistan
- Time to Face Facts in Afghanistan
- U.S. studies fear Afghanistan decline into terrorist haven
- We're losing in Afghanistan too
- Who are the Taliban? The question that is snaring NATO in tribal wars
- Why 'Victory' in First Phase of War on Terror Unravelled
- Why NATO cannot win the Afghan war
- Why NATO Troops Can't Deliver Peace in Afghanistan
- Will Military Rule Return to Pakistan--and Afghanistan--in a Year?
The Humanitarian-Economic Situation
- 'The new Afghanistan is a myth. It's time to go and get a job abroad'
- Afghan border province angry Kabul 'doesn't bother'
- Afghan Capital Mostly in the Dark
- Afghanistan Spiralling Back to Days of Taliban, Say Charities
- Campaign Against Taliban 'Causes Misery and Hunger'
- Gap between rich and poor widens in Afghanistan
- Harsh Winter Overwhelms Afghans
- In Kabul, Stark Gulf Between Wealthy Few and the Poor
- Severe drought and food price increases cause malnutrition and disease
- Unemployment slowly returns to Afghanistan
The Warlords
- Afghan amnesty shows warlord's clout
- Afghan Warlords, Formerly Backed By the CIA, Now Turn Their Guns On U.S. Troops
- Big fish among the Afghan warlords
- In Afghanistan, yesterday's warlords are today's bureaucrats
- In the shadow of the warlords
- Prosecutor Suggests 'Some People' Cannot Be Tried
- Rashid Dostum: The treacherous general
Treatment of Journalists and the Media
- A Young Life Hangs in the Balance in Afghanistan's Cultural War
- Afghan council wants soap operas off TV
- Afghan CTV journalist declared enemy combatant
- Afghan evils ignored at our peril
- Afghan journalism student sentenced to 20 years for insulting Islam
- Afghan journalist jailed for distributing Koran
- Afghan News Media Finds Foes on All Sides
- Afghan officials clamp down on the press
- Afghan reporter shocked by trial
- Afghan reporters: Between a rock and a hard place
- Freed Afghan journalist reunited with family
- Iranian Blogger Claims Article That Led to Death Sentence
- Journalist detained for reporting
- Lifeline for Pervez: Afghan Senate withdraws demand for death sentence
- Sentenced to Death: Afghan Who Dared to Read About Women's Rights
Treatment of Prisoners
- 'One huge U.S. jail'
- 'Worse' Than Guantanamo: U.S. Expands Secretive Prison Inside Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan
- Canada quietly halted transfer of Afghan detainees
- Secrets in the Mountains of Afghanistan
- See no evil?
- U.S.-run jail in Afghanistan 'worse than Guantanamo
(Broken links fixed 28-29 April 2010.)
1 comment:
Afghanistan produced some 8200 tonnes of opium in 2007, or 93 per cent of the world's supply. More land is used to cultivate drugs in Afghanistan than Bolivia, Colombia and Peru combined, the United Nations says. In recent years, Afghan drug lords have sought to maximize profits by processing opium into heroin at home before sending it abroad. Some drugs inevitably remain inside the country where there is a ready market for heroin due to the high rate of drug use among the hundreds of thousands of Afghan refugees returning or deported from neighboring Iran and Pakistan.
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