War and Intervention Links
'Appeasement' in Foreign Policy
- 'Munich' Shouldn't Be Such a Dirty Word
- Negotiating with 'Terrorists and Radicals' Is a Must
- Talking isn't appeasement
- The Crock of Appeasement
'Liberal' or 'Humanitarian' Intervention
- Does Nation-Building Work?
- Give War a Chance
- Humanitarian Intervention: Evolution of a Dangerous Doctrine
- Liberal Imperialism
- The Faux Liberal Foreign Policy Debate
- The GOP Does Nation-Building, Too
- The Humanitarian War Myth
- The Humanitarian With the War Machine
- The Imperialism of Good Intentions
- The Painful Death of Humanitarian Intervention
Dissent and Patriotism During Wartime
- Alberto Gonzales cautions judges against second-guessing the president in wartime
- For the War and Against the Troops
- Blair Criminalises His Critics
- Hosannas to the Force-Specialists
- Info on war critics database sought
- Mr. Bush, Meet Mr. Taft
- Playing 'The Troops' Card
- Slandering America
- Support Our Troops! Or, 'Shut Up, Please'
- The Logic of 'Love It or Leave It'
- The Rise of the 'Patriotic Journalist'
- The War on Sedition
- Who Is 'We'?
- Why did they hate America?
- Will the Real Traitors Please Stand Up?
Intervening Around the World
- A Patriotic Thought Experiment
- A Star Is Born: Scott 'The Philosophy of Liberty' Horton vs. Harvey 'Proud That We're an Empire' Kushner
- A Very Bad Habit
- American Dominatrix: We're scaring the world--and they hate us for it
- American Megalomania
- Big Star-Spangled Lies for War
- Building an Anti-Interventionist Party
- Bush Misreads History
- Consequences of a War State
- Crackpot Realism Is Riding High
- Defining Democracy Down
- Democracy, Hypocrisy, and U.S. Foreign Policy
- Embarrassed to Explain U.S. Foreign Policy
- Enemies Foreign, Enemies Domestic
- Entreating the Beast
- Evidence of Decline
- Exporting 'Democracy'--Importing Trouble
- From Kosovo to Iraq
- Iraq and the Kosovo Connection
- Hail Caesar?
- Honourable Exit from Empire
- How to train death squads and quash revolutions from San Salvador to Iraq
- Insecurity with Insolvency
- It's not the first war under false pretenses
- Love, American-Style
- Pondering Surrender
- Realists, Isolationists, and Neocons: A Primer
- Rice: Military power is 'not the way to deal in the 21st century'
- Scott Horton Debates the War Party
- Space Aliens From Luxembourg: A Horror Story
- The 'Isolationism' Canard
- The Bush Administration Makes New Enemies Daily
- The Empire Ruminates
- The Flaws of Interventionism
- The Folly of Empire
- The Folly of Exporting Democracy
- The Human Cost of Hegemony
- The Imperial Delusion
- The Law of Opposites
- The Limits of Power: Andrew Bacevich on the End of American Exceptionalism
- The Rise of the Imperial Class
- The American Empire: Too Big to Fail?
- The Wall of Silence
- The War Lovers
- They Didn't Attack Switzerland
- U.S. Has Long History of Waging Wrong Wars
- U.S. Interventions in Latin America
- Wars to Watch Out For
- Which American?
- Wilhelmian America
- Wilson in the Mirror
Meddling in the Middle East and Beyond
- 9/11 Plus Seven
- 'Ideologies of Hatred': What Does Condi Mean?
- 'The middle of nowhere'
- 'What About Afghanistan?'
- 'Why Do They Hate Us?'
- A bullies' alliance
- Anti-U.S. Feeling Leaves Arab Reformers Isolated
- Arming the Middle East
- Bush's Failed Liberation Theology
- Bush's Mideast Mess
- Bush Is Right to Link 9/11 with Iraq
- Chaos in Iraq Sends Shock Waves Across Middle East and Elevates Iran's Influence
- Democracy, not terror, is the engine of political Islam
- Democracy and Its Discontents
- Does Anybody Care About the Christian Arabs?
- Elegant colonialism
- Explosively False Propaganda: Bush's Middle East legacy
- Grooming the next Ahmad Chalabi
- How the South Won the Civil War, And what this means for Iraq and Iran
- In the Mideast, America Casts an Imperial Shadow
- Interview with Eric Margolis: The importance of maintaining good relations with Russia, the consequences of U.S. support for Georgia’s attack on South Ossetia, Pakistan’s decreasing stability and the U.S.'s increased interference, the beginning of the "pipeline security wars", the war party’s bogus explanations of the causes of terrorism, and the Arab world’s former admiration for America.
- Interview with Philip Giraldi: The grossly overstated number of "terrorists", the centuries of the failures of those trying to conquer Afghanistan, the current crises in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Georgia, the exaggeration by the Bush regime of world conflicts to help the McCain campaign, and how best to protect Americans from actual terrorists.
- Making the World Safe for Christianity
- Middle East Democracy: Blowback Through the Looking Glass
- Obama on Iraq and Afghanistan: A Friendly Critique
- On the Road to Empire
- Open Letter to Christian U.S. Troops in Iraq and Afghanistan
- Political Islam vs. Democracy
- Stop Choosing Sides
- Sweeping Up the Debris
- The Abuse of 'Democracy'
- The Media Must Take Dr. Paul’s Lead and Ask Specific Foreign Policy Questions
- The plan for what comes after Iraq
- The Rise of Political Islam: The Palestinian Election and Democracy in the Middle East
- Time to Get Out of Afghanistan and Iraq
- U.S. Army hopes to keep native Arabic speakers
- War Criminal Nation
- Well Isn't This What You Asked For?
- What Bush Is Up To
- What Has America Wrought?
- What if We Leave the Middle East? (We Won't Be Missed)
- What Is 'Democracy'?
- What Luttwak Didn't Say
- Where Does America Meddle Next?
- Why the Peaceful Majority of Muslims Are Not Irrelevant
- Would Someone Please Interfere in Our Elections?
- You Say You Want a Revolution?: Promoting democracy in the Middle East
Neoconservatism, Neoconservatives, and Their 'Right-Wing' Foes
- A Tragedy of Errors
- After Neoconservatism
- All in the Neocon Family
- Argue Like It's 1991
- Deliberately Destroying America's Soul
- Five Myths About Those Nefarious Neocons
- Iraq Is Just the Beginning
- Katrina, Iraq, and the End of 'National Greatness'
- Neocons in Denial
- Neocons in the Democratic Party
- Neocons Looking for New and Bigger Enemies?
- Reaganism versus 'Neo-Reaganism': The neoconservatives hail Reagan today – but yesterday they denounced him
- Speaking of Humiliation
- The realist persuasion
- The Soul of Caesar’s 'Conservatives'
- Will the real conservatives please stand up?
- Salvation by Starvation
- Sanctions: Useless, or Worse Than Useless?
- The Evil of Sanctions
- Why do we keep imposing sanctions that help dictators?
The Economy and War
- America--A Bankrupt Empire
- Casualty of War: The U.S. Eeconomy
- Deficits at Home, Welfare Abroad
- http://www.counterpunch.org/roberts11072007.html">Dollar's Fall Collapses the American Empire
- Gasoline Prices and Energy Policy, True and False
- Going Bankrupt: Why the Debt Crisis Is Now the Greatest Threat to the American Republic
- Has 'War' become a leading brand for United States?
- Is War Good for the Economy?
- The Military-Industrial Complex
- The Myth of the Oil Weapon
- The Myth of U.S. Prosperity During World War II
- The Myth of Wartime Prosperity
- U.S. National Debt Grows $1 Million a Minute
- U.S. national debt sets another record--9.815 trillion dollars
- Uncle Sam's rich uncles overseas
- Why We Love 'America's Outrageous War Economy'
U.S. Military Bases Around the World
U.S. Military Issues
- Big Rewards for Defense Firms
- Is Veneration of the Military Good for the Republic?
- Healing, With New Limbs and Fragile Dreams
- Military's Information War Is Vast and Often Secretive
- Pentagon overspent budget by $295 billion
- Rumsfeld's New Model Military
- Satellite Spotters Glimpse Secrets, and Tell Them
- Should Retired Generals Speaking Out Against Rumsfeld?
- The Army, Faced With Its Limits
- The Most Important Argument against the Draft
- The U.S. military's fallout shelter
- The War Within
- Touchy debate: Are veterans faking stress?
- Two VA hospitals forced to turn away patients
- An End Foreseen?
- An Open Letter to My Christian Warmongering Parents on Conscription
- Can women find unique ways out of war?
- Dead end: Counterinsurgency warfare as military malpractice
- Have Peace Activists Ever Stopped a War?
- Heroism and the language of fascism
- Honour the War Dead but Question America's Wars
- I Don't Have to Fight You
- In the Silence, War Continues
- Individualism vs. War
- Is It or Isn’t It?
- King: War Cannot Achieve Even a Negative Good
- Militant groups multiply as conflict changes: IISS
- My Speech at the Antiwar Rally
- People Die in War
- Pre-emption
- Pre-Emptive Hallucinations
- Reflections on State and War
- Supporting the Troops
- The Doctrine of Asymmetrical War
- The Glory of War
- The Man on Both Sides of Air War Debate
- The Moral Barbarism of Blair and Bush
- The Real First Casualty of War: Journalism
- The War to End All Wars That Started Them All
- Threats of Our Own Making
- Two Sides of the Same Coin: The evil ideologies of war and terrorism
- Understanding Fourth-Generation War
- War: Realities and Myths
- War Between Democracies
- War Is Horrible, but…
- Warring as Lying Throughout American History
- Why We Can't Win Against Guerrillas
World War II
- An Amicus Brief for Neville
- Churchill: America Caused Nazism, Communism, Fascism
- FDR Approved a Policy to Force Japan into Striking First and Deliberately Allowed Their Navy to Attack Pearl Harbor in 1941
- Hitchens Demands an Eye for an Eye
- McCollum memo
- Munich, 1938
- The 'Good War' and the Terrible Peace
- The dark side of the 'Good War'
- Was the Holocaust Inevitable?
- A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm
- All Weapons of Mass Destruction Are Not Equal
- America's Presidential Prophet of God and Great Decider
- Foreign Lobbyists and the Making of U.S. Policy
- How the West (Except for the U.S.) Ended Slavery
- NATO at twilight
- New study shows U.S. lawmakers have as much as $196 million invested in defense companies
- The Sole Superpower in Decline
- Three Faces of Infantilism: NATO’s Bucharest Summit
- True Foreign Aid
- U.N. Weighs a Ban on Weapons in Space, but U.S. Still Objects
- Ungrateful Allies
- West Gives False 'Democracies' A Pass
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