Illegal, Questionable, and Absurd U.S./British Government Policies Links
Biochemical Weapons Testing and Vaccines
- Answers sought over nerve gas plan
- Anthrax Hysteria
- Experimenting With the Mind
- Hidden history of U.S. germ testing
- U.S. government disregarded experts over biolab
- White House memo exposes Rove knew of problems with anthrax vaccine
Extraordinary Rendition
- America's Dirty War
- Arar’s U.S. Lawsuit Resurrected
- Below the radar: Secret flights to torture and 'disappearance'
- CIA Holds Terror Suspects in Secret Prisons
- Concern Over Rendition's Legality
- Condi to Europe: 'Trust Me'
- Did CIA kidnap vacationer? It's a state secret.
- Extraordinary Rendition, Extraordinary Mistake
- For Agency's 'Rendering' Teams, A Lavish Overseas Lifestyle
- From CIA Jails, Inmates Fade Into Obscurity
- Human Rights, Rendered Meaningless
- I Was Kidnapped by the CIA
- Outsourcing Torture
- Rendition Unto Caesar
- Secret 'War on Terror' Prison on Diego Garcia Confirmed
- Stop in the Name of the Law
- The Courts and Mr. Arar
- The fax that reveals the U.S. is flying terror suspects to Europe
- The Origins of the Rendition Program: Does the CIA Have the Right to Break Any Law?
- The terrorist prison U.S. is helping build in Morocco
- The U.K. should be ashamed for Diego Garcia
- U.S. alleged to have held terrorist suspects on the British territory of Diego Garcia since 2006
- Wrongful Imprisonment: Anatomy of a CIA Mistake
Government Databases and Data Mining
- Data Mining Figured In Dispute Over NSA
- Domestic Spying Program Could Aid Terrorists, Experts Say
- Demostic spying quietly goes on
- FBI Effort Will Build Biggest Biometric Database
- Lockheed Secures Contract to Expand Biometric Database
- Main Core: New Evidence Reveals Top Secret Government Database Used in Bush Spy Program
- National Dragnet Is a Click Away
- Nothing Personal: The NSA's illegal data collection
- NSA has your phone records; 'trust us' isn't good enough
- U.S. plans massive data sweep
Government Secrecy
- Agencies Use Contradictory Rules for Classifying Information
- Espionage and the First Amendment
- First Amendment Issues Raised About Espionage Act
- Government Reclassifies Many Documents in Secret Review
- In Leak Cases, New Pressure on Journalists
- In Praise of Leaks
- National security vs. whistle-blowing
- President Bush says you're a spy
- The War on Hype: America's fleecing in the name of security
- U.S. government secrecy reaches historic high
- White House Trains Efforts on Media Leaks
ID Cards
- American Liberty Teetering on Edge of the Abyss
- Real ID Act a real intrusion on rights, privacy
- Real ID Laws Are a National Catastrophe
- Real ID side effects
- This ID project is even more sinister than we first thought
- Who Killed Real ID?
Imprisonment Without Charges and Subsequent Torture
- Al-Marri and the power to imprison U.S. citizens without charges
- Beyond Padilla terrorism case, huge legal issues
- Bush's detention facilities
- Bush Can Hold Terrorist Suspect Indefinitely: U.S. Court
- Bush Wins One in Padilla Case: What the recent 'Dirty Bomber' ruling means for you
- Citizen Padilla: Dangerous Precedents
- Former 'Dirty Bomb' Suspect Sentenced
- Hoover Planned Mass Jailing in 1950
- Jose, Can You See?
- Jose Padilla's Suit Against John Yoo: An Interesting Idea, But Will It Get Far?
- Jose Padilla Brings Torture to Trial
- Luttig Blocks Bush's Detainee Dodge
- Padilla and the Death of the Republic
- Padilla Can't Wait
- Padilla trial highlights Bush Administration's manipulation of justice
- Sparks fly in Padilla sentencing hearing
- Suspected Terrorists Deserve Due Process
- Terrorism case challenges White House strategy
- The Backdoor to Military Rule in America
- The Last Roundup
- The Ominous Message in Padilla
- U.K.’s terror laws left me and my family shattered
- U.S. Can Confine Citizens Without Charges, Court Rules
- U.S. government broke Padilla through intense isolation, say experts
- Why the White House should make its case against Jose Padilla, but won't
Laptop Searches
- Travelers' Laptops May Be Detained At Border
- U.S. border agents copying contents of travelers' laptops
- U.S. defends laptop searches at the border
Online Surveillance and Use in War
- America's War on the Web
- Bush Order Expands Network Monitoring
- Is the NSA spying on U.S. Internet traffic?
- Is U.S. Government Reading Your E-mail?
- ISPs still considering tracking Web use
- Justice Department Wants Internet Companies to Save Personal Web Surfing Data
- Military Team Engages Bloggers
- NSA Website Places 'Cookies' on Computers
- U.S. Air Force Aims for 'Full Control' of 'Any and All' Computers
- U.S. drafting plan to allow government access to any e-mail or Web search
- U.S. military to patrol Internet
Presidential Power
- 'The law is king'
- All the President's Power
- An Imperial Presidency Based on Constitutional Quicksand
- An Imperial President
- Broader Privilege Claimed In Firings
- Bush grabs power while Congress sleeps
- Bush vs. Constitution
- Cheney and The Fight Over 'Inherent' Presidential Powers: His Attempt to Swing the Pendulum Back Began Long Before 9/11
- Cooler Heads: The difference between the president's lawyers and the military's
- Empire Breeds the Emperor
- Full Speed Ahead
- Gonzales's work expanded power of the presidency
- Hail to the chief
- Is Bush turning America into an elective dictatorship?
- Judge Bates Slams the Bush White House's Claims of Congressional Immunity: Why There May Be No Consequences for the White House, Despite the Clear Ruling
- Justice Department lawyer tells Congress: Bush 'always right'
- King George W.?
- Let the presidential record show…
- Mukasey’s Radical Worldview Is Now the Norm
- Our monarch, above the law
- Sending the U.S. to war is not the president's call
- The Absurdity of Unlimited Presidential Power
- The Neoconservative Understanding of Government
- The perils of unchecked power
- The Real Assault on America
- The Republican Ideology of the Total State
- The Secret Government
- The Unrestrained President
- Trust the President?
- Wartime powers and Mukasey
Responding to Terrorism
- 15,000 want off the U.S. terrorism watchlist
- A New Tack for Airport Screening: Behave Yourself
- A Wave of the Watch List, and Speech Disappears
- Airline captain, lawyer, child on terror 'watch list'
- Airport profilers: They're watching your expressions
- America the Fearful
- Are photographers really a threat?
- Civil Liberties Group Criticizes New FBI Profiling Authority
- Disinformation in the Terrorism War
- FBI Agents Still Lacking Arabic Skills
- FBI to Open Cases Via Profiling; MI5: Don't Bother
- Federal Attitude Policy
- Fixing Intelligence
- Gang Member Is Convicted Under Terrorism Law
- Groundhog Day
- Group: Terrorism not focus of Homeland Security
- How Do They Know Who Is a Terrorist?
- Innocent People Placed On "Watch List" To Meet Quota: Marshals
- Investigators pass security at 19 airports with bomb parts: GAO
- Law enforcement officials secretly profiling immigrants
- Managing risk in defending against the terrorist threat
- Most fake bombs missed by screeners
- My husband is on the government's terrorism watch list
- No proof airport security makes flying safer: study
- Preparing for the unthinkable--nuclear attack
- Senior Flagged by U.S.: 'Not a Terrorist'
- Some Reflections on What, if Anything, 'Are We Safer?' Might Mean
- Teen charged with possessing a weapon of mass destruction: an Easter egg
- Terrorism alerts conveniently timed
- Terrorism Prosecutions Drop
- Terrorism Prosecutions Shed More Heat Than Light
- Terrorist in a bootleg T-shirt
- The 'terrorist' batting average
- The Ambiguous Enemy Is Us
- The timing is political
- The War on the Unexpected
- U.S. Government Relaxes Chemical Plant Storage Rules
- U.S. has Mandela on terrorist list
- U.S. pushed Britain into airport terror swoop
- U.S. Terrorism Watch List Tops One Million
- Where's the Terrorism?: Post-9/11 prosecutions end with a whimper
Spying on Activist Groups and Dealing with Protesters
- Amy Goodman Manhandled, Arrested for Protesting Arrest of News Staff
- FBI Document Labels Michigan Affirmative Action and Peace Groups as Terrorists
- FBI Keeps Watch on Activists
- Federal government involved in raids on protesters
- Fighting War Protesters
- Free Speech Denied: 'Protest Pens' at Bush Events Disgrace Our Constitution
- Government Monitored Anti-War Group E-Mails
- Massive police raids on suspected protestors in Minneapolis
- New records on UCSC protests show deeper spying conspiracy
- Protesters at Democratic convention fly the 'cage'
- Protesters Found in Defense Department Database
- Scenes from St. Paul--Democracy Now!'s Amy Goodman arrested
- Spying Uncovered: Documents Show State Police Monitored Peace and Anti-Death Penalty Groups
- U.S. May Ease Police Spy Rules
- White House Manual Details How to Deal With Protesters
- Why is a U.S. Army brigade being assigned to the 'Homeland'?
- Why We Were Falsely Arrested
Thoughtcrime in America?
- 'Inherent' Powers, Ignoble History Make New Idea Anything But Innocuous
- 'Thought Crimes', HR 1955 Passed With 404 Votes
- A scary way to further erode our liberties
- Don't Even Think About It
- The Great American Lock-Up
The 2001 Anthrax Attacks Case
- A lone anthrax mailer? Skeptics question FBI case
- A Onetime 'Person of Interest' Moves a Step Closer to Public Exoneration
- A Scientist's Quiet Life Took a Darker Turn
- ABC must account for its reporting of anthrax attacks
- Additional key facts re: the anthrax investigation
- An Improbable Ending: Scientist Bruce Ivins tried and convicted by the media as anthrax letter perpetrator, after his suicide
- Anthrax case: reasonable doubt on the science
- Anthrax case against bio-weapons expert 'staggering for lack of evidence'
- Anthrax Case Renews Questions on Bioterrorism
- Anthrax Evidence Called Mostly Circumstantial
- Anthrax investigation: what's that aroma?
- Anthrax investigation not over
- Anthrax Matches Army Spores
- Anthrax Mystery: Questions Raised over Whether Government Is Framing Dead Army Scientist for 2001 Attacks
- Anthrax scientist Bruce Ivins stood to benefit from a panic
- Anthrax Timeline
- Anthrax was a strain in Ivins' lab: CNN
- Answers in anthrax case may have died with suicide
- Attorney: Ivins never knew he was 'the suspect'
- Beyond a Reasonable Doubt?
- Bruce Ivins: The Movie
- Bruce Ivins Wasn't the Anthrax Culprit
- Clarifying info on the anthrax vaccines Ivins studied
- Congress Asks: Who Misled the Anthrax Investigation by Pointing at Iraq?
- Did Bush manipulate the post-9/11 anthrax scare?
- Did FBI Scientists Identify a Single, Unique Flask?
- DNA is just anthrax clue, not clincher
- Double Standards in the Global War on Terrorism
- Doubts About Anthrax Story
- Doubts over the anthrax case intensify--except among much of the media
- Doubts Persist Among Anthrax Suspect’s Colleagues
- Doubts persist on Ivins' guilt
- Enveloped in uncertainty
- Ex-colleague questions government’s case against anthrax suspect
- FBI Aggressively Probed Anthrax Suspect
- FBI conclusions in anthrax probe meet skepticism
- FBI Details Anthrax Case, but Doubts Remain
- FBI had, then tossed anthrax type used in attacks
- FBI Presents Anthrax Case, Saying Scientist Acted Alone
- FBI was told to blame Anthrax scare on al-Qaida by White House officials
- FBI Will Present Scientific Evidence in Anthrax Case to Counter Doubts
- Fort Detrick's anthrax mystery
- Full NPR Interview With Ivins' Attorney Paul Kemp
- Government's case against Ivins is circumstantial and airtight
- Hair Samples in Anthrax Case Don't Match
- He did it to test his vaccine????
- Holes in the Anthrax Case?
- How Solid Is the Anthrax Evidence?
- In Search of the Anthrax Attacker
- In the interest of not adding to the confusion re: Ivins
- Interview with Christopher Ketcham: The FBI’s alleged case against Bruce Ivins, the underwhelming amount of evidence against him, the suppressed letter from the culprit, the state’s covert development of weaponized anthrax just before the attacks, the decisive role of the anthrax attacks in passing the Patriot Act and waging all-out war after 9/11, and how the FBI "solved" the case by pushing Ivins to kill himself.
- Interview with Glenn Greenwald: New developments in the 2001 anthrax case, the FBI’s smear campaign against dead physicist Bruce Ivins, media trumpeting of government claims, the widespread fear created and power gained by the anthrax attacks, and questions about Washington insiders taking Cipro before the attacks, etc.
- Investigating the FBI
- Is Bruce Ivins the American Version of David Kelly?
- Jean C. Duley… tell us again…
- Journalists, their lying sources, and the anthrax investigation
- Justice Department Officially Exonerates Scientist in Anthrax Attacks
- Key senators dispute FBI's anthrax case against Bruce Ivins
- Long, Crooked Road of the Anthrax Probe
- Mass Destruction or Mass Distraction?
- Monday's Briefing
- Open Questions on a Closed Case
- Pressure Grows for F.B.I.’s Anthrax Evidence
- Scientist concedes 'honest mistake' about weaponized anthrax
- Scientist Set to Discuss Plea Bargain In Anthrax Attacks Commits Suicide
- Scientists Question FBI Probe On Anthrax
- Seeking Details, Lawmakers Cite Anthrax Doubts
- Senator Chuck Grassley Seeks Answers to FBI's Anthrax Investigation
- Serious questions remain over the investigation into the anthrax attacks of 2001
- Sourcing in the Anthrax Case
- The Anthrax Files
- The Anthrax Follies and the Bizarro Effect
- The Case Still Isn't Closed
- The FBI’s Emerging, Leaking Case Against Ivins
- The FBI's selective release of documents in the anthrax case
- The Limits of Forensic Microbiology, or 'We prosecute people, not beakers'
- The Patsy
- The U.S. Government Is the Real Bioterrorism Threat
- The vial the FBI destroyed, or why there will always be a spore on a grassy knoll
- Three key questions still unanswered in anthrax case
- Through surveillance, was FBI complicit in Ivins' death?
- Two Portraits of a Bioterrorism Suspect
- Vital Unresolved Anthrax Questions and ABC News
- What's the answer to this?
The Military Commissions Act
- 'Thus the World Was Lost'
- American show trials
- Antiterrorism Bill on Detainees, Geneva Conventions: Rushing Off a Cliff
- Detainee bill lifts Bush's power to new heights
- Detainees Compromise: Lose-Lose
- Detainee Deal Comes With Contradictions
- Habeas Corpus: The Lynchpin of Freedom
- Law's Reach Extends to Jails in U.S.
- Many Rights in U.S. Legal System Absent in New Bill
- The O'Reilly Fear Factor
- The Torture Can Continue
- They compromised away Americans' basic values
- This Is the Way of Dictatorships
- We Americans really ought to be ashamed
The Patriot Act
- FBI admits to wiretapping wrong numbers
- Making a Meth of the PATRIOT Act
- Patriot Police
- The Patriot Act and Attention Deficit Democracy
- Two Patriot Act Provisions Ruled Unlawful
- When Patriots Dissent
The Pentagon and Trying to Recruit Students
- 16 to 25? Pentagon Has Your Number, and More
- Mining for kids: Children can’t 'opt out' of Pentagon recruitment database
- Pentagon: Colleges must hand over names
The Sibel Edmonds Case
- A Real 9/11 Cover-Up?
- An Inconvenient Patriot
- Covering Up the Coverage--The American Media’s Complicit Failure to Investigate and Report on the Sibel Edmonds Case
- FBI denies file exposing nuclear secrets theft
- For sale: West's deadly nuclear secrets
- Found in Translation
- Interview with Joe Lauria: The series he co-wrote for the London Times about the Sibel Edmonds case, including the 30-year Washington connection to the A.Q. Kahn nuclear black-market operation, the difficulty in corroborating stories about such a secretive subject, the inability of American mainstream media to diverge from the status quo, how the Tinner family fits into the story, etc.
- Interview with Luke Ryland: The A.Q. Kahn nuclear network, its correlation to the Sibel Edmonds case, the CIA’s knowledge of the network since the mid-1970s, the six years of deafening silence by Congress and the media about Sibel’s case, and how the nuclear black market, neocons, and the Israeli and Turkish lobbies are connected.
- Interview with Philip Giraldi: The case of former FBI translator-whistleblower Sibel Edmonds and her allegations of crimes by powerful government officials and foreign spies, etc.
- Letting Sibel Edmonds Speak
- Lost in Translation
- New York Times does it again: More 'Judy Miller' tapdancing
- None Dare Call It Treason
- Nukes, Spooks, and the Specter of 9/11
- Second Interview with Luke Ryland: The articles in the London Sunday Times about the Sibel Edmonds case and indications of an FBI cover-up of their long-term investigation into the alleged Israeli-Pakistani-Neocon axis of nuclear spying in the United States.
- Sibel Edmonds: 'Buckle up, there's much more coming.'
- Sibel Edmonds Must Be Heard
- Sibel Edmonds Speaks...
- The dangers of keeping secrets
- Tip-off thwarted nuclear spy ring probe
- Why Bush Wants to Legalize the Nuke Trade with Turkey
The Valerie Plame Case
- A Cheney-Libby Conspiracy, Or Worse?: Reading Between the Lines of the Libby Indictment
- All Right, Not All Right
- All the vice president's men
- Did Bush Pull a Fast One on Fitzgerald?
- Don't You Dare Call It Treason
- Final Jeopardy: Asking the Right Question About the President's Involvement in the CIA Leak Affair
- Masters of Deception
- Outing CIA Agents: Valerie Plame Meets Philip Agee
- Plame Wilson Had worked on Iran Anti-Proliferation
- Republicans + Indictments = Civil Libertarians
- Scooter's Motive
- Side Issue in the Plame Case: Who Sent Her Spouse to Africa?
- Smoking Guns and Red Herrings: What Should We Expect Now that Fitzgerald Has Announced the Indictment of Lewis 'Scooter' Libby?
- The CIA Leak: Plame Was Still Covert
- The Plame Game
- The Truth About Lewis "Scooter" Libby's Statements to the Grand Jury Claiming the President Authorized a Leak of Classified Information: The President and Vice President Are Not In the Clear Yet
- Why Plame Matters
Treatment of Prisoners
- '20th hijacker' blows up torture argument
- 'Turbo'-Charged Idiocy About Torture
- A Deadly Interrogation
- America can't take it anymore
- American judges sentenced Japanese for this
- Believe Me, Waterboarding is Torture
- Bush Demands Freedom to Torture
- Cheney, Others OK’d Harsh Interrogations
- Cheney Linked To Torture Tactics
- Congress bans torture--but allows torture testimony
- Criminal, Immunize Thyself
- Democratic Defections Clear Path For Mukasey Despite Statements on Torture
- Ending the psychological mind games on prisoners
- Expert: Crime of torture could only have been ordered by the president
- General who probed Abu Ghraib says Bush officials committed war crimes
- Governments Say They Follow U.S. on Prisoner Treatment
- Habeas Corpses
- Horrifying and Unnecessary
- How Hollywood Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the (Ticking) Bomb
- How Not to Ban Torture in Congress
- Human Rights First Releases First Comprehensive Report on Detainee Deaths in U.S. Custody
- Human Rights Group Says It Has Proof of Detainee Abuse
- Interrogation Methods Rejected by Military Win Bush’s Support
- Key Player in Waterboarding Policy 'Smug' Under Questioning
- McCain: Bush should veto torture bill
- Memo: 'Good Faith' Protects Against Torture Charge
- Mukasey's confession: Is waterboarding torture? It it's done to him, it is; if it's someone else, uh, he's not sure.
- No Rules, Just Might
- On Torture, Two Messages and a High Political Cost
- Our torture policy has deeper roots in Fox television than the Constitution
- Pentagon Report Set Framework For Use of Torture
- Poll: 44% of Americans favour torture for terrorist suspects
- Redefining War Crimes out of Existence
- Secret U.S. Endorsement of Severe Interrogations
- Secretive Agency Under the Spotlight
- Senate Republican Torture Masters
- Sources: Top Bush Advisors Approved Torture
- Soviet-Style 'Torture' Becomes 'Interrogation'
- Spy vs. Congress
- Stand on Guard
- The Great Torture Scandal
- The Myth of the Ticking Time Bomb
- Torture, American-Style
- Torture, the GOP, and the Religious Right
- Torture's Achilles Heel
- Torture and Liberty
- Torture and the Constitution
- Torture and the Rule of Law
- Torture ban has exceptions
- Torture ban still faces political interpretation
- Torture exonerated?
- Torture Shocks
- Torture Unnecessary to Get Information
- Torturous Silence on Torture
- War Crimes Committed and Justice Denied
- Waterboarding Is Torture--I Did It Myself, Says U.S. Advisor
- Waterboarding Used to Be a Crime
- We Have Ways…
- When is torture not torture?
- Where Are the Good Americans?
- Who Profits Most From Torture?
- Why It Was Called 'Water Torture'
U.K. Security Policies
- British Contemplate 'Big Brother' Database for Phones and E-Mails
- British MI5 'acts on facts gained under torture'
- CCTV boom has failed to slash crime, say British police
- Safe in our cages
Warrantless Wiretapping
- A Gestapo Administration
- A government out of control
- ACLU to Spy on Echelon
- All That's Given Up in the Name of Security
- An Update on President Bush's NSA Program: The Historical Context, Specter's Recent Bill, and Feingold's Censure Motion
- Are You Being Searched?
- Big Brother Is Watching and Listening to You
- Breathtaking Power Grab
- Bush: Eavesdropping helps save U.S. lives
- Bush's 'Big Brother' Blunder
- Bush's Secret Surveillance State
- Bush Broke the Law
- Bush on Wiretaps
- Checking Big Brother
- Debate over eavesdropping grows
- Domestic Spying Far Outpaces Terrorism Prosecutions
- Earlier Wiretap Accusations
- Eavesdropping, Gagging, and the Constitution
- Fascism: Are We There Yet?
- FBI Data Transfers Via Telecoms Questioned
- Follow the law, not the leader
- Hayden--The Spook in Your Phone
- Heck of a Job, Hayden!
- Hey Bush: Obey the Law
- I'm a Soldier, Not a Spy
- Illegal Surveillance: A Real Security Threat
- Inside the Puzzle Palace
- Intelligence Abuse Déjà Vu
- It's Alright, Ma Bell
- Listening In
- Millions of Terrorists: Massive-scale spying violates our privacy
- Reach Out and Tap Someone
- Real Intel Scandal Is Lack of Competence
- Reprogramming the Infinite Loop: The NSA Spying Debate
- Rise Up, Fellow Enemy of the State
- Secrecy Fetish Hurts Terrorism War
- Senator Frist’s Mixed-Up Signals
- Spies, Lies, and Wiretaps
- Spying on Ordinary Americans
- Surveillance Court Is Seeking Answers
- Surveillance Net Yields Few Suspects
- The Banality of the Surveillance State
- The Bipartisan Surveillance State
- The FISA Farce
- The Grounds for Silence: Does secret surveillance require secret policymaking?
- The invasion of America
- The U.S. Senate: 99 Cowards
- They've Got Your Number
- Tinker, Tailor, Miner, Spy
- Trust Busted
- What illegal 'things' was the government doing in 2001-2004?
- Wiretapping's True Danger
- Wiretaps fail to make dent in terrorism war; al-Qaida used messengers
- Yet Another Bush Lie
Warrantless Wiretapping and Immunizing Telecommunications Companies
- AT&T thanks the Blue Dog Democrats with a lavish party
- British Debate Highlights the Cravenness and Complicity of U.S. Congressional Democratic 'Leaders'
- Chris Dodd’s Speech and a Glimmer of Hope for Stopping the FISA Bill
- Congress Votes to Immunize Lawbreaking Telecoms, Legalize Warrantless Eavesdropping
- Deal Reached in Congress to Rewrite Rules on Wiretapping
- Deal Reached to Boost Surveillance State
- Democrats Legalize Bush's Crimes
- George Bush's latest powers, courtesy of the Democratic Congress
- Jihadis Throw a Wild Bash Over the Protect America Act
- Lawbreaking Telecoms Still Conniving to Obtain Immunity from Congress
- Lies and Spies
- Obama Supports FISA Legislation, Angering Constitutionalists
- Obama Tries and Fails to Put Out the FISA Fire in His Own House
- Officials Seek to Protect Firms Aiding NSA Spying
- Reid and Company Target the True Enemy: 'Dodd and His Allies'
- Senator Rockefeller Lets Slip the Spying Truth: Drift Nets To Be Legalized
- Stop the new FISA
- The New FISA Compromise: It's Worse than You Think
- The New Republic Syndrome
- The Problems with the FISA Bill
- The Surveillance Scam
- The Unitary Executive Congress
- What Nancy Pelosi, Steny Hoyer, and Fred Hiatt Mean by 'Bipartisanship'
- White House backtracks on claims of lost intelligence
- After Illegal Wiretaps, Are Warrantless Searches Next?
- Born in the USSA
- Bush Pushes Envelope on U.S. Spying
- Bush quietly seeks to make war powers permanent, by declaring indefinite state of war
- Department of Homeland Security wants Firefighters to look for terrorists while in the line of duty
- Exposing Bush's historic abuse of power
- FBI trawls libraries for terrorist readers
- Homeland Security Opening Private Mail
- Iran-Contra's 'Lost Chapter'
- Is America Becoming a Police State?
- Is Michael Mukasey Prioritizing the Harassment and Imprisonment of Journalists?
- Is the Pentagon spying on Americans?
- Is Your Fanny Pack Breeding Terrorists?
- Law and Order: Curfew America
- Like FBI, CIA Has Used Secret 'Letters'
- New FBI Privacy Violations Confirmed
- Pentagon Expanding Its Domestic Surveillance Activity
- Security or Liberty? It’s a False Choice
- Tasered at his own home: the Shawn Hicks story
- The FBI's Secret Scrutiny
- The Highway to Surfdom
- The Latest Revelations of Lawbreaking, Torture and Extremism
- The Motivation for Blocking Investigations Into Bush Lawbreaking
- The Other Big Brother: The Defense Department
- U.S. believes it can kidnap wanted Britons
- U.S. Has Detained 2,500 Juveniles as Enemy Combatants
- U.S. military to increase domestic surveillance
- U.S. Town Turned Into An Open-Air Prison
- U.S. War Prisons Legal Vacuum for 14,000
- Washington cops abandon checkpoints after night of violence
- Woman cuffed, booked for not paying library fines
- You're Being Watched: Efforts to Collect Data on Americans Go Far Beyond the NSA's Domestic Spying Program
1 comment:
Truly incredible list.
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