Afghanistan Links
Afghanistan's History
- Afghanistan: At the Crossroads of Ancient Civilizations
- Afghanistan's Agony
- Assessing Afghanistan
- Unearthing Anguish in a Troubled Land
- Afghan farmers find alternative to opium: marijuana
- Afghan opium fight hurts poorest
- Afghanistan: Addicted to Heroin
- Canada may be drawn into drug-eradication in Afghanistan
- Canada stays out of Afghan poppy eradication
- Cannabis Thrives in an Afghan Province
- Drug war, Taliban, poppies are all in full flower
- Grow opium or die: Afghan farmers say choice is stark (scroll down for article)
- Hooked on a Failing
- In Afghan Poppy Heartland, New Crops, Growing Danger
- Let Afghanistan Grow the World's Opium Supply
- Nations vow to tackle opium problem in Afghanistan
- No alternative to opium, say farmers
- Poppy paradox in Afghanistan
- Poverty feeds Afghan drugs trade
- Ruined poppy farmers join ranks with the Taliban
- Schweich, ICG, etc.--Assume the Existence of a State in Afghanistan
- The extraordinary folly of Britain's new opium war
- The perils of trying to uproot an opium economy
- The Taliban's Opium War
- U.S. fails to reduce Afghan opium crop
- Victorious warlords set to open the opium floodgates
- War on drugs strengthens Afghan mafia
- What Are They Smoking?
Fighting the Insurgentcy
- 'How We Lost the War We Won: A Journey into Taliban-Controlled Afghanistan'
- 'If it was jihad then, it's jihad now'
- 'The Taliban Are Terrorists'
- A Modernized Taliban Thrives in Afghanistan
- A Ragtag Pursuit of the Taliban
- Aaugh!
- A catalogue of errors in Afghanistan
- A heavy hand in Afghanistan
- Afghan loss equals terrorist win: ex-CIA analyst
- Afghan War Only Just Beginning, Security Group Warns
- Afghanistan: Time for Truth
- Afghanistan's insurgency spreading north
- An insurgency beyond the Taliban
- Are Theological Tensions Distancing Taliban from al-Qaida?
- As Taliban Influence Grows, 'Shadow Government' Seems an Increasingly Viable Option to Afghans
- Backlash from Afghan Civilian Deaths
- Britain's key weapon in Afghanistan: the bribe
- Britain's theatrical war against the Taliban
- British 'success' under siege in Afghanistan
- British plan to build training camp for Taliban defectors in Afghanistan
- Brutal U.S. Attack on Unarmed Afghans Captured by Photos
- Can tribes take on the Taliban?
- Civilian deaths from Western fire in Afghanistan could fuel support for Taliban
- Civilian Deaths Undermine War on Taliban
- Concerns Mounts Over Civilian Deaths in Afghanistan
- Crunch time coming in Afghanistan?
- Ex-Taliban Commander Lectures Mullah Omar About Koran
- Fatal errors in Afghanistan
- Fight Less, Win More
- Fighting a Hard, Half-Forgotten War
- For us ze war is over by tea time, ja
- From Great Game to Grand Bargain
- Hobbled in Kabul
- How COIN Generalists Fail Afghanistan
- In Afghanistan, a Do-Over Battle
- In Afghanistan, It's About Air Power, Too
- In the Land of the Taliban
- It's time to recalibrate Canada's mission
- Karzai: 'I Wish I Had the Taliban as My Soldiers'
- Majority of Afghan insurgents not Taliban
- Mistakes by Afghan Translators Endanger Lives, Hamper Western Effort
- NATO Confronts Surprisingly Fierce Taliban
- Pouring Gas on the Afghanistan Bonfire
- Pushtunwali: The Code that Governs the Lives of Pashtuns in Afghanistan and Pakistan
- Secrets of the Taliban's success
- Sending more troops to Afghanistan could backfire, experts warn
- Struggle to rein in Taliban in Afghanistan's south
- Taking the Fight to the Taliban
- Taliban control half of Afghanistan, says report
- Taliban Evolves into Network of Groups
- Taliban factions may be using British forces to assassinate rival commanders
- The Other War
- The Surge That Failed: Afghanistan Under the Bombs
- The Taliban Fedayeen: The World's Worst Suicide Bombers?
- Three warlords lead Afghan uprising
- Tribal militias enlisted to protect the south
- U.K. army's 'vacuum' bomb hits Taliban
- U.S. and Afghan government frustrated by Taliban's resilience
- U.S. losing the moral high ground
- U.S. Planes Bomb Afghanistan With $100 Bills and Photos of Bush
- U.S. Military Weighs Recruiting Afghan Tribes to Fight Taliban
- Why? Six years on from the invasion of Afghanistan
- Why Does the U.S. Think It Can Win in Afghanistan?
- Why the Neo-Taliban is Winning
Foreign Aid in Afghanistan
- Afghans Find Key Promises Unfulfilled
- Poorly-directed aid increases Afghanistan's woes
- U.N. to urge revamp of Afghan aid
- U.S. aid to Afghanistan falls short
- U.S. paid for media firm Afghans didn't want
Growing Support for the Taliban and Antipathy Toward the Foreigners
- Anti-Western feeling seen rising in Afghanistan (scroll down for article)
- As Crime Increases in Kabul, So Does Nostalgia for Taliban
- Hearts, Minds, and Body Bags: NATO Battles Rising Hostility in Afghanistan
- Poll: Afghans' Criticism of U.S. Efforts Rises; In the Southwest, Taliban Support Grows
- Taliban still a force in Afghanistan
- Taliban support rising in Afghanistan: study
- We want the Taliban back, say ordinary Afghans
Iran and Afghanistan
- Tensions mount between Iran, Afghanistan's Taliban in 1998
- The impact of U.S.-Iran enmity on Afghanistan
- A Line Not to Be Crossed: The Afghan-Pakistan Border
- Ahmed Rashid on How the U.S. Aid to Ally Pakistan is Aiding the Taliban
- At Border, Signs of Pakistani Role in Taliban Surge
- Embassy Attack in Kabul Highlights Pakistan-India Rivalry
- From Pakistan, with jihad
- How the Taliban keep their coffers full
- In the Hiding Zone
- Inside the Pakistan-Taliban Relationship: Six Questions for Ahmed Rashid
- Insurgencies spreading in Pakistan and Afghanistan
- International strength of Taliban and al-Qaida threatens allied efforts
- ISI-Sponsored Attack on Indian Embassy in Kabul Boomerangs
- Killing ourselves in Afghanistan
- Losing Afghanistan
- Obama and the Taliban
- Obama is saying the wrong things about Afghanistan
- Pakistan, the Taliban, and the U.S.
- Pakistan cuts supply lines to NATO troops in Afghanistan
- Pakistan provided military aid, troops to Taliban
- Pakistan reopens supply lines to Western forces
- Pakistanis Aided Attack in Kabul, U.S. Officials Say
- Pashtuns and Taliban in Two States
- Secret documents reveal U.S. concern about Pakistan's backing of Taliban before 9/11
- Side-Effects of the War in Afghanistan on the Pakistani State
- Taliban stage a coup of their own
- The 'War on Terrorism' Licenses a New Stupidity in Geopolitics
- The Getaway: Questions surround a secret Pakistani airlift
- U.S. Afghan supply lines depend on Islamist militant
- U.S. documents show Pakistan gave Taliban military aid
- What's Really Going on in Afghanistan and Pakistan
- Why Pakistan is unlikely to crack down on Islamic militants, despite U.S. pressure
Situation of Women and Children
- Afghan Girls, Back in the Shadows
- Afghan women seek death by fire
- Afghan Women Still in Chains Under Karzai
- Afghan women suffer daily violence
- Afghanistan: Behind the burqas
- Bush fails women in Afghanistan
- Don't look, don't tell, Canadian troops told
- Generation lost as Taliban target vulnerable schools in bandit region
- In Afghanistan, Rape Victims Begin To Break The Silence
- Interview with Female Afghan Parliamentarian Malalai Joya
- Marriage practice victimizes young girls, society
- Shh, It's an Open Secret: Warlords and Pedophilia
- The Afghan women jailed for being victims of rape
- The Schools the Taliban Won't Torch
- Women's lives worse than ever in Afghanistan
- Women Back Under Wraps with Taliban-Style Vice Squad
Talking to and Engaging with the Taliban?
- Afghan opposition courts Taliban
- Afghanistan pushes reconciliation effort
- European diplomats expelled 'at behest of the US'
- Karzai offers government role to Taliban
- Peace Talks Could be Win-Win for Afghan Government, Taliban
- Saudis Held Talks Between Taliban, Afghan Government
- Secret Taliban peace bid
- Taliban spokesman rejects Karzai's offer of talks
- Talk to Mullah Omar, if it saves British soldiers' lives
- The Afghanistan Advantage
- Time to talk peace with the Taliban?
- We can persuade Taliban to be peaceful, says expelled EU man
- Why it's so hard to negotiate with the Taliban
- Why the West thinks it is time to talk to the Taliban
The 'New Afghanistan'
- Afghan Absurdities
- Afghan Autopsy
- Afghan government failure reopens door to the Taliban
- Afghan lawmakers push cultural bans of Taliban era
- Afghanistan: Five Years Later
- Afghanistan: Just Another Bush Success Story
- Afghans' Uneasy Peace With Democracy
- Afghans Fed Up With Government and U.S.
- Afghans to Karzai: You failed us
- After U.S. $6 Billion, Where's an Afghan Cop When You Need One?
- Chaos in Afghanistan
- Consider Afghanistan Democratized
- Corruption, bribes and trafficking: a cancer that is engulfing Afghanistan
- Corruption eats away at Afghan government
- Disillusioned Afghans Seen Turning on Karzai
- Fear, Disillusion, and Despair
- Grim reality of life beyond Helmand
- Hopes and fears of Afghan Christians
- How Taliban sprang 450 insurgents from Kandahar's Sarposa prison in Afghanistan
- Hunkering Down in Afghanistan
- In Afghanistan, Anger in Parliament Grows as President Defies Majority's Wishes
- International Occupation Isn't Helping Afghanistan
- Kajaki dam: Contentious, costly, and a failure
- On the brink
- Post-Taliban Free Speech Blocked by Courts, Clerics
- Rahman in Retrospect
- Saving Afghanistan
- The day that changed Afghanistan
- The President Who Would Be King
- Where does Karzai go from here?
- Winning the Battle, Losing the Faith
- Women who took on the Taliban--and lost
The Dim Prospects for a NATO Victory
- Afghan war is unwinnable
- Afghanistan: A River Running Backward
- Afghanistan: Where Empires Go to Die
- Ashes of Empire
- British envoy says mission in Afghanistan is doomed, according to leaked memo
- Brits Say: West Can't Win in Afghanistan
- Could NATO lose in Afghanistan?
- Dear Jim
- Downhill in Afghanistan: The most remote place on Earth is now the most dangerous
- Europeans see what Americans cannot
- Fear battles hope on the road to Kandahar
- Fiddling While Afghanistan Slides Away
- How to Save Afghanistan
- Is NATO Losing the Real Battle in Afghanistan?
- Memo to Canada: Might won't win in Afghanistan
- NATO's Lost Cause
- NATO Needs an Exit Strategy in Afghanistan
- Rockets, guile, and the lessons of history: the Taliban besiege Kabul
- Russian veterans on Afghanistan war: 'impossible to win'
- Surging in Afghanistan: Too Much, Too Late?
- Taliban ambushes threaten Nato's vital logistics route into Afghanistan
- Taliban at Kabul's doorstep
- Taliban conflict 'cannot be won' in Afghanistan
- Taliban Gains in Afghanistan Due to U.S.-Led Policy, Study Says
- The Afghan fire looks set to spread, but there is a way out
- The Afghan mission: lessons from the past
- The Reality of War in Afghanistan
- The steady stream of maimed or killed soldiers is but one of many increasingly disturbing parallels between Afghanistan and the Vietnam War
- The Taliban's Baghdad Strategy
- The war that can bring neither peace nor freedom
- There is never going to be a NATO victory in Afghanistan
- Time to Face Facts in Afghanistan
- U.S. studies fear Afghanistan decline into terrorist haven
- We're losing in Afghanistan too
- Who are the Taliban? The question that is snaring NATO in tribal wars
- Why 'Victory' in First Phase of War on Terror Unravelled
- Why NATO cannot win the Afghan war
- Why NATO Troops Can't Deliver Peace in Afghanistan
- Will Military Rule Return to Pakistan--and Afghanistan--in a Year?
The Humanitarian-Economic Situation
- 'The new Afghanistan is a myth. It's time to go and get a job abroad'
- Afghan border province angry Kabul 'doesn't bother'
- Afghan Capital Mostly in the Dark
- Afghanistan Spiralling Back to Days of Taliban, Say Charities
- Campaign Against Taliban 'Causes Misery and Hunger'
- Gap between rich and poor widens in Afghanistan
- Harsh Winter Overwhelms Afghans
- In Kabul, Stark Gulf Between Wealthy Few and the Poor
- Severe drought and food price increases cause malnutrition and disease
- Unemployment slowly returns to Afghanistan
The Warlords
- Afghan amnesty shows warlord's clout
- Afghan Warlords, Formerly Backed By the CIA, Now Turn Their Guns On U.S. Troops
- Big fish among the Afghan warlords
- In Afghanistan, yesterday's warlords are today's bureaucrats
- In the shadow of the warlords
- Prosecutor Suggests 'Some People' Cannot Be Tried
- Rashid Dostum: The treacherous general
Treatment of Journalists and the Media
- A Young Life Hangs in the Balance in Afghanistan's Cultural War
- Afghan council wants soap operas off TV
- Afghan CTV journalist declared enemy combatant
- Afghan evils ignored at our peril
- Afghan journalism student sentenced to 20 years for insulting Islam
- Afghan journalist jailed for distributing Koran
- Afghan News Media Finds Foes on All Sides
- Afghan officials clamp down on the press
- Afghan reporter shocked by trial
- Afghan reporters: Between a rock and a hard place
- Freed Afghan journalist reunited with family
- Iranian Blogger Claims Article That Led to Death Sentence
- Journalist detained for reporting
- Lifeline for Pervez: Afghan Senate withdraws demand for death sentence
- Sentenced to Death: Afghan Who Dared to Read About Women's Rights
Treatment of Prisoners
- 'One huge U.S. jail'
- 'Worse' Than Guantanamo: U.S. Expands Secretive Prison Inside Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan
- Canada quietly halted transfer of Afghan detainees
- Secrets in the Mountains of Afghanistan
- See no evil?
- U.S.-run jail in Afghanistan 'worse than Guantanamo
(Broken links fixed 28-29 April 2010.)